Page 3 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 3

September 18, 2015                                                   News                                                                                                    Desert Wings                                                                                                          3

       Briefs                                   412th LRS NCOs help Army carry load

Muroc Board vacancy                                                                                                                                                   Courtesy photograph

  7KH0XURF-RLQW8QL¿HG6FKRRO'LV-            Air Trans Airman, Staff Sgt. Andrew Chilcoat, 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron, watches as a C-17 arrives at Barstow-Dagget Airport
trict is accepting applications for a Mu-       to transport an Army National Guard Blackhawk helicopter back to the East Coast.
roc Board of Trustees seat.
                                                by Rebecca Amber                                of several days would put great strain on the     who owns the C-17.
  7KHERDUGGHFLGHGWR¿OOWKHYDFDQF\         Staff writer                                    aircraft.                                           That’s where Staff Sgt. Andrew Chilcoat and
by making a provisional appointment
and the individual selected will serve            Two 412th Logistics Readiness Squad-            When it came to transporting the chopper,       Staff Sgt. Johnathan Barnes came in. They’re
until Dec. 8, 2016. An election will be         ron Airmen assisted in transporting an Army     the Army came up against “a slew of regula-       WKHRQO\WZR$LU7UDQVFDUHHU¿HOG$LUPHQRQ
KHOG1RYWR¿OOWKLVSRVLWLRQIRU     National Guard Blackhawk helicopter from        tions and standards” in place for safety when     Edwards AFB, also known as porters.
the next four-year term.                        Barstow-Dagget Airport in San Bernadino         loading cargo aircraft via military air. For in-
                                                County to the East Coast Aug. 28-29.            stance, hazardous materials must be accounted       %DUQHVZRUNVLQWKHWK/567UDI¿F0DQ-
  Applications are now being accepted                                                           for and documented, cargo must be weighed         DJHPHQW2I¿FHSURFHVVLQJFDUJRIRUJURXQG
IURPDQ\TXDOL¿HGSHUVRQLQWHUHVWHGLQ           The UH-60 was one of two Blackhawks           and vehicles must have a weight and center-       transport. As Installation Air Transportation
¿OOLQJWKLVYDFDQF\                            being used by the 224th Aviation Battalion of   of-balance for marking.                           manager, Chilcoat is the unit deployment man-
                                                the Maryland National Guard who were con-                                                         DJHUKHDOWKPRQLWRU¿WQHVVSURJUDPPDQDJHU
  Interested persons should obtain an ap-       ducting their annual two-week training, which     The 412th LRS and installation deployment       alternate equipment custodian and he schedules
SOLFDWLRQIURPWKH0XURF-RLQW8QL¿HG          happened to be here in California.              RI¿FHUZHUHDVNHGWRKHOSZLWKLQVSHFWLQJWKH    air travel for deploying personnel.
School District office, 17100 Foothill                                                          helicopter and accompanying crew and cargo
Ave., North Edwards, CA, or online at             Transporting the Blackhawk by C-17 is the     for airworthiness, load planning and super-         “We had to accomplish this task, which nor- by clicking on the          quickest and least expensive method of moving   vising the loading operations. The request        PDOO\LVGRQHE\DQHQWLUHÀLJKWE\RXUVHOYHV´
“School Board” link.                            it cross-country. Flying the helicopter would   came from the Maryland National Guard             said Chilcoat.
                                                require multiple fuel and maintenance stops.    unit’s leadership through the Air National
  Completed applications must be re-            $OVRÀ\LQJDWVXFKORZDOWLWXGHVRYHUDVSDQ  Guard’s 175th Wing in Martinsburg, W.Va.,           The team loaded one UH-60 Blackhawk
turned to the MJUSD office no later
WKDQSP2FW2I¿FHKRXUV                                                                                                                                           See LRS, Page 5
are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

or older.

District, Kern County, California.

Muroc Joint Unified School District,
and must currently reside on Edwards
Air Force Base.

in the election must contact the Kern
County Elections Division, 1115 Truxtun
or 800-452-8683.

Edwards First Sergeants
seeking volunteers

  Have you wanted to scare someone?
Hiding in the shadows and waiting for
the perfect time to jump? The Edwards
First Sergeant council is looking for
motivated individuals to provide scares
from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1 at the old Shop-
pette. This year we will be having six
rooms of horror designed and operated
by a group, squadron or organization.
That means you get to design your own
original room of horror! If you are part of

                        See BRIEFS, Page 4

The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Re-                                                                          Fax: (661) 277-2732.

YLHZDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU                                                                         Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the
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   Contents of the Desert WingsDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRI¿FLDO                                                                (661) 945-5634. Submitting false or misleading advertisements
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The appearance of advertising in the publication, including Commander, 412th TW …........................ Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer members are encouraged to submit news stories or story ideas

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