Page 8 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 8
Desert Wings September 18, 2015
DORM, from 1 Air Force photographs by Rebecca Amber Each of the comic book style
characters in the artwork found in
ing men and women of civil engi- A Marvel-style comic mural dedicated to the men and women of Civil Dorm 2424 represents a particular
neering.” None of the artists appear Engineering was uncovered during construction in Dorm 2424. The artwork shop within Civil Engineering such
to work on Edwards AFB anymore. was created in 1992 and later covered with drywall. as the electrical section or metal
According to Echols, the mural
is on a load-bearing wall and may
be covered again with framing and
drywall. However, the Au’ Authum
Ki team has made suggestions for
how it might be displayed since the
new framing is “strictly for looks.”
The wall is already at its required
structural strength.
“We gave them suggestions of
making a frame for it and maybe
putting plastic sheeting over it
where it’s exposed,” Echols said.
According to Echols, discovering
images under walls in dorm renova-
tions is not terribly uncommon. On
uncovered a drawing of a cat and
mouse and in Dorm 2423 there was
a picture of Space Shuttle Chal-
lenger. Those images were damaged
when the shop pins were removed
from the wall to take down the dry-
wall covering them. Echols has also
worked on buildings at Fort Irwin,
Calif., Twenty-nine Palms and Bar-
stow Marine Base, and has found
other images, but “not like this.”
“This is the most detailed art.
Somebody put a lot of time and
thought in how to do that,” said
Echols. “The more I look at it, I’m
just amazed. You see the guy shoot-
ing — he’s got bullet casings that
are just going all over in a big spot.
They really did a lot of detail on
Au’ Authum Ki started remedial
demolition of Dorm 2424 about four
months ago in preparation for reno-
vations. The dorm is expected to
be ready for occupants next August
or September.
“These [dorms] were built in the
1950s, anytime you have something
that old you run into so many un-
foreseens,” he said, adding that once
it’s done it will be good as new.
Local Civil Air Patrol Edwards BX to launch
members step up to the plate ‘Disney at the Exchange’
by Gail Harper Gallager and Adam Staley from Squadron by Rebecca Silva
Edwards CAP Composite Squadron 84 49. The cadets also escorted and welcomed AAFES Public Affairs
LANCASTER, Calif.—Antelope Valley A cast of Disney, Marvel and Star Wars brands is joining forces with the
Civil Air Patrol members showed up in force During the game, CAP members hosted an $UP\ $LU)RUFH([FKDQJH6HUYLFHWREULQJDVSHFLDOGHGLFDWHGVHFWLRQWRWKH
to support Aerospace Appreciation Night at informational booth to publicize CAP’s mis- Edwards AFB Exchange.
the Lancaster JetHawks Stadium Aug. 9. sion and provide membership information.
The standalone section called “Disney at the Exchange,” showcases merchan-
Members from the Edwards AFB Com- Cadets also had the opportunity to meet dise from Disney Consumer Products, including characters from Disney Junior,
posite Squadron 84, and Pancho Barnes both shuttle astronaut Jerry Ross and Brig. Disney Pixar and Disney Princess, as well as Marvel and Star Wars properties.
Composite Squadron 49 in Rosamond, Ca- Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing com- 0LOLWDU\VKRSSHUVZLOO¿QGDZLGHVHOHFWLRQRIWKHLUIDYRULWH'LVQH\FKDUDFWHUVDW
lif., participated in the opening ceremonies mander. the Edwards Exchange. The “Disney at the Exchange” assortment includes dolls,
aerospace heritage. Individuals interested in joining the Civil tied to current Walt Disney Company theatrical releases and television content.
Air Patrol may attend the Squadron 84
This year’s special guest was U.S. Air weekly meeting on Edwards, which is held The 40-square-foot section will feature signage featuring Disney, Marvel and
Force B-1 flight test engineer Star Wars and beloved character imagery throughout.
and NASA seven-time shuttle 7XHVGD\VIURPSPWRSP
astronaut Jerry Ross. at 1518 Forbes Ave., Bldg. 1850. “The Exchange brings a taste of home to every member of the military family,”
said the general manager of the Edwards Exchange, Charles Eaves. “Bringing
The evening opened with a For more information, email Disney into the Exchange is another example of our continuing desire to deliver
presentation of the colors per- Edwards AFB Composite top brands directly to shoppers at Edwards.”
formed by Cadet Colin Ro- Squadron 84 at capsq84@gmail.
driquez, Squadron 84, and Ca- com or Pancho Barnes Compos-
dets Joseph Gallagher, Cecelia ite Squadron 49 at sq49cap@ya-