Page 5 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 5

September 18, 2015                                                                                                                                                   Desert Wings                                                                                                  5

LRS, from 3

Two NCOs from the 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron and members of
an Army Blackhawk crew assisted in preparing the helicopter for transport.

helicopter, its crew of 11 personnel              NASA’s Armstrong Research Cen-                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Courtesy photographs
and basic maintenance equipment,
into the C-17 for transport. After                ter at Edwards.                                   Staff Sgt. Johnathan Barnes, 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron, inspects an Army National Guard UH-60
landing in Martinsburg, the cargo                                                                   Blackhawk helicopter prior to loading it on a C-17 for cross-country transport.
ZDVPRYHGWRLWV¿QDOGHVWLQDWLRQLQ               “Staff Sgt. Barnes and I are very
Edgewood, Maryland.                                                                                 the cargo.                            even stock aircraft with passenger   jump at any chance to load more air-
                                                  eager to continue and expand these                  Porters, like Chilcoat and Barnes,  comfort items and service aircraft   craft,” said Chilcoat. “Let the world
  The total cargo weight, including                                                                                                       latrines. They are also responsible  know, Edwards has porters!”
passengers for the Blackhawk trans-               operations as they give us valuable               build cargo on pallets, manifest and  for securing cargo to the aircraft
port was 17,270 pounds.                           H[SHULHQFHLQRXUFDUHHU¿HOG´VDLG             load plan cargo, inspect hazmat,      ÀRRUXVLQJFKDLQVDQGVWUDSV          The helicopter arrived in Califor-
                                                                                                    manifest and screen passengers,                                            nia the same way it was sent back,
  According to Chilcoat, the 412th                Chilcoat.                                         load cargo and passengers, and          “I truly love what I do and will   in a C-17 loaded at Martinsburg.
LRS only recently started support-
ing this type of operation when they                The porters are responsible for
loaded delicate instruments on the
Stratospheric Observatory for In-                 ensuring that all cargo and pas-
frared Astronomy DC-8 used by
                                                  sengers are ready to load, while

                                                  the loadmasters are the technical

                                                  nal authority on what goes on the

                                                  aircraft and how it goes on. They

Warning Signs                                      YOUR FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS                                          Seeking Base Volunteers
                                                  NEIGHBORHOOD AUTO SERVICE                                       for Advisory Board Positions
Warning signs of T1D may
occur suddenly and include:                       G&S                                                          Edwards Air Force Base of¿cials are seeking volunteers to represent the
                                                  AUTO REPAIR
đƫ40.!)!ƫ0$%./0                                                                                                            South Base and North Base communities
đƫ.!-1!*0ƫ1.%*0%+*                                    Foreign & Domestic                          on the Restoration Advisory Board. The RAB facilitates two-way communication between
đƫ.+3/%*!//ƫ+.ƫ(!0$.#5                          Auto Service & Repair Center
đƫ	*.!/! ƫ,,!0%0!                                                                                        the public and those responsible for environmental cleanup at Edwards AFB.
đƫ1 !*ƫ3!%#$0ƫ(+//                               FULL AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES                                     Volunteer representatives are not expected to be environmental experts.
đƫƫ1 !*ƫ2%/%+*ƫ$*#!/
đƫ1#.ƫ%*ƫ0$!ƫ1.%*!                              ‡ Tune-ups           ‡ Engines
đƫ.1%05ƫ+ +.ƫ+*ƫ0$!ƫ.!0$                       ‡ Air conditioning   ‡ Transmission
đƫ!25ƫ+.ƫ(+.! ƫ.!0$%*#                      ‡ Clutches
đƫ01,+.ƫ+.ƫ1*+*/%+1/*!//                       ‡ Alternators         Service
                                                  ‡ Cooling Systems    ‡ Starters
                                                                       ‡ Timing Belts
                                                   Service             ‡ Valve Jobs
                                                  ‡ Scheduled Service

                                                  ‡ Brakes

                                                  Rides Available locally. Experience since 1990    Responsibilities
                                                                                                    A RAB public representative acts solely as a conduit for environmental cleanup
                                (661)266-0064                        20th St. E.  information. Responsibilities include distributing a bimonthly newsletter and
      1-800-533-CURE                              38917 20th St. East,                              meeting Àyers, in addition to attending semiannual meetings. Applicants
                                                                                                    should be accessible within their respective area and willing to publicize
A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.                                                    contact information. Community concerns or questions can be addressed by
                                                                                                    the representative or referred to the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s
                                                                                                    Installation Support Team at Edwards AFB.
                                                  Palmdale, CA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Paid Public AnnouncementAve. Q

                                                  Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM  Ä

                  MARY NEAL SWIFT                                                                   Requirements
                     Senior Loan Officer                                                            Individuals interested in serving on the RAB must be at least
                        Specializing in                                                             18 years of age and work or live in the area they seek to represent.
                                                                                                    Terms of service are two years in length. Military members, civil
CAL FHA, VA, FHA Conventional & Reverse Mortgage                                                    service and contractor employees are welcome to apply.

                      NMLS #265202                                                                  Applications
                                                                                                    Applications are available by contacting Gary Hatch, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs, at
6351 Owensmouth Ave., Suite 102, Woodland Hills, California 91367                                   (661) 277-8707 or by e-mailing WZUDE#XVDIPLO.

        Ń5ngn5hhm7fohh5R525ngn5hhm7iklj5                                                       Applications will be accepted until the positions are ¿lled. For additional information,
        &&5ngn5jgj7hkml5R5llg5hmh7fjmj5")'                                                       contact Gary Hatch or Leilani Richardson, JT3/CH2M, at (661) 277-5394 or by e-mailing
        E-Mail:                                                         WZUDE#XVDIPLO.

                                                                       Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Installation Support Team, Edwards Air Force Base, California
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