Page 14 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
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Desert Wings                             Announcements                                                                                                     September 18, 2015


Aero Club                                                        LVDFRQJUHVVLRQDOO\PDQGDWHGEULH¿QJDQGDSUHUHTXLVLWH                            Valley when it comes to custom framing—are prices can’t
                                                                 IRUWKH¿YHGD\7UDQVLWLRQ$VVLVWDQFH3URJUDP6SRXVHVDUH                          be beat and remember there is NO SALES TAX!
  320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, 661-275-AERO            highly encouraged to attend.
                                                                                                                                                      Club Muroc
  Flight Training: Private, Instrumment, Commercial, ATP,          Volunteer Registration: All volunteers with Edwards’
CFI, CFII, and ATP. Aircraft rentals range from $131-$145        $)%RI¿FLDORUJDQL]DWLRQVXQLWVQHHGWRUHJLVWHUZLWKWKH                             275 Doolittle Parkway, 661-275-CLUB
per hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment. Multi-         $	)5&9ROXQWHHU&RRUGLQDWRU$O/D[DPDQDDW
Engine, Commercial, ATP, CFI, and CFII. Aircraft $300 per        2972. Organizations or agencies that need volunteers and                               Air Force’s 68th Birthday Specials: NEW lunch specials
hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment.                    folks looking for volunteer opportunities may also contact                           for only $2.68 and 68 cent sodas (birthday speicals only
                                                                 $LUPHQ	)DPLO\5HDGLQHVVWREHLQFOXGHGRQDGLVWULEX-                              DYDLODEOHWRFOXEPHPEHUV6WRSE\&OXE0XURFDQG¿OODQ
  Rentals: Your Aero Club offers Cessna 172s, Cessna 182s,       tion list.                                                                           entry form to win a $25 gift card! Drawing will be Sept. 18.
and a Baron for rent. Contact the Aero Club for reservations
and costs.                                                       Arts and Crafts Center/Auto Hobby                                                      Football Frenzy: Washington at the New York Giants:
                                                                                                                                                      Sept. 24, doors open at 5 p.m. Enjoy food and drink specials
  Learn to Fly: The sky is the limit at the Edwards AFB            200 Methusa Rd., 661-275-ARTS/661-275-AUTO                                         all night. Members enter for a chance to win two 2016 NFL
Aero Club. Experience the thrill of piloting an aircraft. Your                                                                                        game Tickets! $50 gift card given out each week! Not a
ORFDO$HUR&OXESURYLGHVPDQ\VWDJHVRIÀLJKWWUDLQLQJIURP      Instructors Needed: Attention all artists and crafters! If                         member? Sign up today!
commercial and instructors’ ratings. The choice is yours.        seeking out instructors of all types. Come and share your                              Daily Lunch Specials: New menus coming soon!
Whether your aim is recreational or a career path, your Aero     creative knowledge with a diverse group of students looking
Club will train you to the highest standard with safety always   for painting, drawing, photography, scrapbooking and other                             Members Birthday Month Coupon: Pick up Tuesday–
foremost.                                                        craft/art related instruction. No prior instructor experience                        Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Happy Birthday from Club Muroc!
                                                                 necessary—if you are knowledgeable then we are looking                               Stop by the club during your birthday month and we’ll give
Airman and Family Readiness                                      IRU\RX&RQWDFWWKH$UWV	&UDIWV&HQWHUDW$576                           you a coupon for a free meal! Offer valid for Edwards club
                                                                 (2787) for more information.                                                         members only.
  90 Farrell Drive, Bldg.5620, 661-277-0723
                                                                   Basic Vehicle Maintenance Class: Saturdays at 10 a.m.                              Education and Training
  Department of Labor five -day Transition Assistance            Cost is $15 per person. Participants will learn the basics
Program: Sept. 21-25, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The Transition         of good vehicle maintenance. Learn how to operate a lift,                              140 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2453, 661-277-2713
Assistance Program workshop is required for all separating       change your oil, and check and balance your tires. Call the
DQGUHWLULQJPLOLWDU\PHPEHUVVSRXVHVDUHZHOFRPHDQG          Auto Hobby Shop at 661-275-AUTO (2887) for more in-                                    Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has
encouraged to attend.                                            formation.                                                                           CCAF advisers available to assist you with completion of
                                                                                                                                                      your CCAF degree. Call 661-277-2713, or stop by Bldg.
  Women’s, Infants’ & Children’s Clinic: Sept. 21, 9:30            Smog Testing: Edwards Auto Hobby performs smog                                     2435, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Don’t procrastinate, it’s easier
a.m.-3 p.m., closed for lunch noon-1 p.m. Open for both          FKHFNVDPSP7XHVGD\)ULGD\DQGDPSP                             than you think!
walk-ins and appointments. For an appointment or voucher         Saturday. Call ahead to see what times are available.
information, call 1-866-327-3074 toll free.                                                                                                             Webster University, an ACBSP regionally accredited uni-
                                                                   Towing Service Available through Auto Hobby: Tuesday-                              versity, is looking for potential faculty to teach graduate-
  Hearts Apart: Aug. 20 and Sept. 24, 5-7 p.m. Our monthly       Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost is $52. Towing is available both
event for families of service members who are deployed, on       on- and off-base (there’s a charge of $6 per mile charge past                                                        See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 15
an extended TDY or on a remote assignment. Join us for           any of the gates. Call Auto Hobby for more information
fun activities and dinner!
                                                                   Frame Shop: We have the Best prices in the Antelope
  Pre-Separation Counseling: Sept. 30, 8:30-11 a.m. This



            Please share and spread the word! This will be a MOST EPIC yard sale! I’ve been busy with my mid-life crisis hobby...
       I have picked up some really good storage units at auction recently. Enough to fill four 10x20 storage units, and then some!

Here is a preview of what will be available...

Furniture – including several dining sets, dressers, china hutches, wood
bed frames, trundle bed frame, entertainment centers, desks, cabinets and
bookcases, coffee and end tables, cedar chests, patio furniture, and more!

Vintage and antiques! - Lamps, dolls, antique chairs, silverplate, old newspapers                                                                     Very nice cedar chest
and magazines, and more. Lots of books! Some recent, but a lot of older books,                                                                            by Lane – $100
including 1970s romance novels, etc. Lots of very nice clothes, shoes and
purses. Costume jewelry – Lots of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc.                                                                         About 48W x 16D x 18T.
Lots of watches.
                                                                                         Vintage maple secretary desk. $145
Kitchen – Lots of very nice bakeware, dinnerware, glassware, china, small                About 34W x 21D. Great condition.
kitchen appliances, and more! Tools and hardware! Power tools and hand tools.

Electronics – Stereos, DVD and VHS players, TVs, boxes of various electrical
cords- audio, video and instrument.

Also, there will be a lot of misc parts and things that I have kept for fixing up stuff
for sale, including “project furniture,” appliance parts (refrigerator drawers and
shelves), dresser drawers, chair seats, drawer handles, etc.

Lots of kids toys, large and small. Kid’s bicycles. Plus tons of nice stuffed             Ave K                                                        Kid’s tables from a closed
animals, toddler toys, etc. Many lamps, blankets, linens. Ceramic dolls, wicker,         Ave K-8                                                       daycare facility - $10 each.
knick knacks, candles, candle holders and much, much more. Lots of DVDs, CDs,                                                          20th St. West  Two measure about 60L x 38W x
and a lot of very nice framed art.                                                                                                                    22T. $20 each. And two more that
                                                                                                       Blooming                                       measure about 36L x 24W x 22T.
A LOT of very nice misc stuff! Way too much to list! Everything will be offered                    Park
at tremendously reduced prices! It’s too much too pack up, so come early for
fantastic blowout deals!                                                                 25th St. West

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!ĎJĊ                                         Ave K-9                                                                                  Very nice china hutch – $225
               ĊĊčĊ”~ˆđ ‰                                                                                                                                             About 44W x 19D x 78T.

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