Page 3 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
P. 3
FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015 The Scout 3A
6-$UHOHDVH veterans transitioning into the civilian has publicized its participation in the in a personal capacity should not use
workplace. The program is similar to the #GiveThem20 online campaign, either official time or Government communi-
The Office of the Judge Advo- “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” which was through posting on websites or through cations resources in connection with the
cate General has been notified by the a popular fundraising campaign in 2014; social media, it needs to be immediately creation of a video, nor should an indi-
DOD Standards of Conduct Office however, the #GiveThem20 program removed. In addition, although this cam- vidual’s official title, authority or com-
about an online social media campaign does not involve fundraising at this time. paign does not involve fundraising, per- mand be invoked in connection with the
titled”#GiveThem20.” The action is sonnel may still be reminded that the eth- “#GiveThem20” campaign.
supported by, and draws attention to, a Army personnel may not participate ics rules (with very limited exceptions)
national nonprofit organization called in their official capacity in the #GiveT- prohibit Army personnel from officially Lastly, if asked to “tag your friends”
American Corporate Partners. The hem20 online campaign. Although endorsing or appearing to endorse fund- or “like” a fundraising video, Army per-
campaign is online at well-intentioned, participating in the raising for any non-federal entity. sonnel may not include their official po-
The campaign proposes video record- campaign in an official capacity is an im- sition as part of their identity and may not
ing yourself or a group of people doing permissible endorsement of a non-Feder- Participation by Government em- use an official Army website to “tag” or
20 pushups (or some other activity) as a al entity. (See 5 Code of Federal Regu- ployees in the “#GiveThem20” cam- “like” the campaign or fundraising activ-
way to spread support and awareness of lations section 2635.702(c); Joint Ethics paign may be done in a personal, unof- ity. Doing so improperly suggests offi-
Regulation para. 3-209.). If a Command ficial capacity. Employees participating cial Army endorsement of the activity.
OPM announces steps to protect federal workers, others from cyber threats
230UHOHDVH nancial history; and other details. Some the background investigation databases. * Fraud monitoring services beyond
records also include findings from inter- This includes 19.7 million individuals credit files
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Office views conducted by background inves- that applied for a background investi-
of Personnel Management (OPM) an- tigators and fingerprints. Usernames gation, and 1.8 million non-applicants, The protections in this suite of ser-
nounced July 15 the results of the in- and passwords that background inves- predominantly spouses or co-habitants vices are tailored to address potential
teragency forensics investigation into a tigation applicants used to fill out their of applicants. As noted above, some re- risks created by this particular incident,
recent cyber incident involving federal background investigation forms were cords also include findings from inter- and will be provided for a period of at
background investigation data and the also stolen. views conducted by background inves- least 3 years, at no charge.
steps it is taking to protect those im-
pacted. While background investiga- tigators and approximately 1.1 In the coming weeks, OPM will begin
tion records do contain some million include fingerprints. to send notification packages to these
Throughout this investigation, OPM information regarding mental There is no information at individuals, which will provide details
has been committed to providing infor- health and financial history this time to suggest any mis- on the incident and information on how
mation in a timely, transparent and accu- provided by those that have use or further dissemination to access these services. OPM will also
rate manner. As information has become applied for a security clear- of the information that was provide educational materials and guid-
available and verifiable, the agency has ance and by individuals con- stolen from OPM’s systems. ance to help them prevent identity theft,
updated Congress, the Inspector Gen- tacted during the background in- If an individual underwent a better secure their personal and work-
eral, federal employee representatives, vestigation, there is no evidence that related data, and become more generally
and – most importantly – those that are separate systems that store information background investigation through informed about cyber threats and other
affected. This announcement is the lat- regarding the health, financial, payroll OPM in 2000 or afterwards (which oc- risks presented by malicious actors.
est in this series of updates, and OPM and retirement records of federal person- curs through the submission of forms
will continue to provide additional in- nel were impacted by this incident (for SF 86, SF 85, or SF 85P for a new inves- 2. Helping other individuals who had
formation going forward. example, annuity rolls, retirement re- tigation or periodic reinvestigation), it is other information included on back-
cords, USA JOBS, Employee Express). highly likely that the individual is im- ground investigation forms – Beyond
Background on the intrusion into pacted by this cyber breach. If an indi- background investigation applicants and
OPM’s systems. Since the end of 2013, This incident is separate but related vidual underwent a background investi- their spouses or co-habitants described
OPM has undertaken an aggressive ef- to a previous incident, discovered in gation prior to 2000, that individual still above, there are other individuals whose
fort to upgrade the agency’s cybersecu- April 2015, affecting personnel data for may be impacted, but it is less likely. name, address, date of birth, or other
rity posture, adding numerous tools and current and former federal employees. similar information may have been list-
capabilities to its various legacy net- OPM and its interagency partners con- Assistance for impacted individuals. ed on a background investigation form,
works. As a direct result of these steps, cluded with a high degree of confidence OPM is also announcing the steps it is but whose Social Security Numbers are
OPM was able to identify two separate that personnel data for 4.2 million indi- taking to protect those impacted: not included. These individuals could
but related cybersecurity incidents on its viduals had been stolen. This number include immediate family members or
systems. has not changed since it was announced 1. Providing a comprehensive suite other close contacts of the applicant. In
by OPM in early June, and OPM has of monitoring and protection services many cases, the information about these
OPM announced July 15 the results worked to notify all of these individuals for background investigation applicants individuals is the same as information
of the interagency forensic investiga- and ensure that they are provided with and non-applicants whose Social Secu- generally available in public forums,
tion into the second incident. As previ- the appropriate support and tools to pro- rity Numbers, and in many cases other such as online directories or social
ously announced, in late-May 2015, as tect their personal information. sensitive information, were stolen – For media, and therefore the compromise
a result of ongoing efforts to secure its the 21.5 million background investiga- of this information generally does not
systems, OPM discovered an incident Analysis of background investigation tion applicants, spouses or co-habitants present the same level of risk of identity
affecting background investigation re- incident. Since learning of the incident with Social Security Numbers and other theft or other issues.
cords of current, former, and prospec- affecting background investigation re- sensitive information that was stolen
tive federal employees and contractors. cords, OPM and the interagency inci- from OPM databases, OPM and the De- The notification package that will be
Following the conclusion of the foren- dent response team have moved swiftly partment of Defense (DOD) will work sent to background investigation appli-
sics investigation, OPM has determined and thoroughly to assess the breach, with a private-sector firm specializing cants will include detailed information
that the types of information in these re- analyze what data may have been sto- in credit and identity theft monitoring to that the applicant can provide to indi-
cords include identification details such len, and identify those individuals who provide services such as: viduals he or she may have listed on a
as Social Security Numbers; residency may be affected. The team has now background investigation form. This
and educational history; employment concluded with high confidence that * Full service identity restoration information will explain the types of
history; information about immediate sensitive information, including the So- support and victim recovery assistance data that may have been included on the
family and other personal and business cial Security Numbers (SSNs) of 21.5 form, best practices they can exercise to
acquaintances; health, criminal and fi- million individuals, was stolen from * Identity theft insurance protect themselves, and the resources
* Identity monitoring for minor chil-
dren See 230, Page 7A
* Continuous credit monitoring