Page 7 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
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FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015 The Scout 7A
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publicly available to address questions or concerns. tions, and will work with its partners to establish this ing a new cybersecurity advisor.
3. Establishing an online cybersecurity incident re- call center as quickly as possible. Director Archuleta has initiated a comprehensive
source center – OPM launched a new, online incident 5. Protecting all federal employees – In the com- review of the architectural design of OPM’s IT sys-
resource center July 15 - located at https://www.opm. ing months, the Administration will work with Federal tems, to identify and immediately mitigate any other
gov/cybersecurity - to offer information regarding the employee representatives and other stakeholders to vulnerabilities that may exist, and assess OPM’s data
OPM incidents as well as direct individuals to materi- develop a proposal for the types of credit and iden- sharing and use policies. That review is ongoing. In
als, training, and useful information on best practices tity theft monitoring services that should be provided addition, OPM will also continue to participate in
to secure data, protect against identity theft, and stay to all Federal employees in the future – regardless of a Federal Government-wide 30-day cybersecurity
safe online. This resource site will be regularly up- whether they have been affected by this incident – to sprint, whereby immediate steps are being taken to
dated with the most recent information about both ensure their personal information is always protected. further protect information and assets and improve the
the personnel records and background investigation resilience of Federal networks, and will participate in
incidents, responses to frequently asked questions, Continuing to strengthen OPM cybersecurity. OPM a 90-day interagency review of key questions related
and tools that can help guard against emerging cyber continues to take aggressive action to strengthen its to information security, governance, policy, and other
threats. broader cyber defenses and information technology aspects of this the security and suitability determina-
(IT) systems, in partnership with experts from DOD, tion process, to ensure that it is conducted in the most
4. Establishing a call center to respond to questions the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bu- efficient, effective and secure manner possible.
– In the coming weeks, a call center will be opened to reau of Investigation, and its other interagency part-
respond to questions and provide more information. ners. As outlined in its recent Cybersecurity Action Director Archuleta and the entire Office of Per-
In the interim, individuals are encouraged to visit Report, in June, OPM identified 15 new steps to im- sonnel Management are committed to protecting the Individuals will prove security, leverage outside expertise, modernize safety and security of the information of Federal em-
not be able to receive personalized information until its systems, and ensure internal accountability in its ployees and contractors. OPM is also committed to
notifications begin and the call center is opened. OPM cyber practices. This includes completing deployment helping those that have been impacted by this incident,
recognizes that it is important to be able to provide of two-factor Strong Authentication for all users, ex- safeguarding its systems and data, and fulfilling its
individual assistance to those that reach out with ques- panding continuous monitoring of its systems, and hir- mission to serve federal workers.
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