Page 11 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
P. 11

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015                                                                                          The Scout 11A

e common mission

 our operation-    Chris Mercer, station captain, Fire Sta-          “A lot of people don’t think about [car   Todd Erslev, firefighter, suits up with all of his equipment including a breath-
ans, excluding     tion Two.                                      seat safety] till the day before or day of   ing mask while participating in the exercise. Erslev has been working with
                                                                  birth,” Nicholson said.                      the department since November 2014.
h is the newest       Mercer also explained the majority of
, is located on    calls are medical. Both Fire Stations One         “The parents will ask, ‘can you install
ary mission is     and Two house ambulances. Ambulatory           the car seat?’ and they get a little up-
re fighting.       services are contracted out through Ari-       set when we tell them we’ll teach them
e or fire on a     zona Ambulance. “They provide para-            how to do it. We instruct them [because]
 l attack. Fire-   medics and a higher standard of care,”         we can’t be there when [they] decide to
ll respond and     Mercer said. All of the firefighters are       take it out to clean it up, and [we] want
 call in mutual    Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)             to make sure they properly know how to
Forest Service     certified and are able to assist.              use it,” said Juan Zamora, a firefighter at
s.                                                                Station One.
 an handle, but       Fire Station Three is located at Libby
uring the sum-     Army Air Field. Its main goal is to sup-          The fire staff also visit schools and
capabilities or    port the airfield. Its crews also specialize   support various events.
 at. The Forest    in confined space and technical rescue,
ibed burns and     and are an additional asset for wild land         “Just spreading the fire safety mission
aid Nicholson.     firefighting if needed.                        and reminding people to be smart,” Reco
re Department                                                     said.
ding fire agen-       “They are the initial subject matter ex-
                   perts to [respond] for technical rescue,”         Some of the collective training the
 ion,” said Josh   Reco said.                                     three stations do together takes place
 f operation, at                                                  monthly, such as structual fire training.
o go downtown               Chris Perry, station captain, Fire    Capt. Steven Brown, Fire Station 2, ex-
 ts if we get a    Station Three, said, “We respond to air-       plained the training exercise.
help them out.     craft emergencies, median rescue like
 ggest threat to   traffic accidents, we also have a brush           “Today we did a basic structural train-
ior is so erratic  truck here so we respond initially on wild     ing drill to stay proficient in our struc-
 e it’s going to   land calls in the area. Our primary [mis-      tural firefighting capabilities and the
oes a good job     sion] out here is the airfield. We have to     ability to rescue victims and combat fires
e possible haz-    be within three minutes to get to any part     in structures,” Brown said. “Inside they
rush and stuff     of the runway.                                 made entry and did a primary search pat-
  Jimenez said.                                                   tern, then a right hand search pattern,
firefighters on       “We do train on emergency shutdown          basically they followed a wall until they
 of a morning      on the aircrafts in case the pilots are inca-  found the victim, extinguished the fire
 ompany level      pacitated; so we’ll have to go in and de-      and rescued the victim.”
 ining, a lunch    ploy the trucks, then go interior to shut it
ysical training    down and extract the pilots,” Perry said.         “It is important for us to stay profi-
 just stay ready                                                  cient in our firefighting skills because we
es. If an emer-       The fire stations also partake in vari-     don’t combat a lot of structure fires here
e training then    ous community projects such as teach-          on Fort Huachuca,” Brown added.
 s handled, said   ing parents how to properly install car
                   seats. Nicholson is hoping to implement           Firefighter Stephen Krause said, “The
                   a new system where parents can make            training keeps us fresh on what we’re
                   an appointment to learn how to keep            supposed to be doing. That way when
                   their children safe. Parents interested are    you get on the real thing you kind of have
                   able to make an appointment by calling         that muscle memory and remember ex-
                   533.2116.                                      actly what to do.”

Firefighter Rene Monje, connects a hose to a hydrant during the beginning stages of the training exercise.     A Fort Huachuca Fire Department firefighter practices rescuing an individual
                                                                                                               from a structure fire during a training exercise here.
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