Page 16 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
P. 16

1B The Scout                                                                                                                                         FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015


   Coronado National Memorial now offers a Junior
Cave Scientist program at the park. Kids can complete
a booklet and explore Coronado Cave to earn their Ju-
nior Cave Scientist badge.

   Park staff are looking for young speleologists to
become junior rangers. In the Junior Cave Scientist
activity book, you will explore the fascinating and
fragile underground world of caves, learn about the
National Park System, and complete fun educational
activities. Participants who complete the booklet will
earn a badge, a certificate, and the rank of Junior Cave


7RDVVLVW\RXLQ\RXUDGYHQWXUHVFKHFNRXWD)5(('LVFRYHU\                The Junior Cave Scientist Program is a part of the    make sure there are always parks to visit in the future.
'D\SDFN DW WKH YLVLWRU FHQWHU )LHOG JXLGHV ELQRFXODUV DQG D  National Park Service Junior Ranger Program. The         They learn things they can do in the parks, and things
PDJQLI\LQJJODVVDUHVRPHRIWKHLWHPVLQVLGHWKHSDFNIRU\RX           goal of the Junior Ranger Program is to connect young    they can do when they return home. When they have
WRXVHGXULQJ\RXUSDUNYLVLW                                            people to their national parks through a variety of in-  completed their activity booklets, children are sworn
                                                                          park activities that are designed to introduce them to   in as a Junior Ranger and receive a badge, patch, and
                                                                          the national park system and cultivate future genera-    certificate. Each year 450,000 children become Junior
                                                                          tions of park stewards.                                  Rangers.

                                                                             Programs range from simple scavenger hunts for           The Junior Ranger program is designed for visi-
                                                                          younger children, to multi-day ranger-led activities.    tors between the ages of 5 and 12. You can pick up an
                                                                          Over 200 National Park Service areas currently have      activity book at the visitor center. There are multiple
                                                                          Junior Ranger programs. To learn more about NPS Ju-      activities to choose from, with subjects ranging from
                                                                          nior Ranger programs, visit     Coronado’s Expedition to the cave, a nature walk, visi-
                                                                          jrRangers.cfm.                                           tor center displays and more.

                                                                             Are you unable to travel to the park but still want      Plan your visit to Coronado Cave online at http://
                                                                          to be a Junior Ranger? Visit the Webranger page at
                                                                          ers.htm to learn how to become a Junior Ranger from         To get to the Coronado Cave trailhead drive toward
                                                                          home.                                                    the visitor center on East Montezuma Canyon Rd. Ap-
                                                                                                                                   proximately .25 mile west of the visitor center on the
                                                                             Coronado National Memorial staff believe the fu-      north side of the road is the parking area for the trail.
                                                                          ture stewardship of our park is of the utmost impor-     It is .5 mile to the cave entrance with an elevation gain
                                                                          tance. A Junior Ranger is an explorer. A Junior Ranger   of 500 feet. Some light scrambling over slick rocks is
                                                                          is a learner, and this type of learning is informal and  required to descend to the cave floor. This hike is rated
                                                                          fun. A Junior Ranger is a protector of the national      as moderate to moderately strenuous.
                                                                                                                                      (Editor’s note: This information was compiled from
                                                                             Junior Rangers discover things they can do to help    multiple National Park Service websites.)

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