Page 15 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
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FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015                                                                                                    The Scout 15A

                                                              FMWR briefs

)UHHIDPLO\SRROFDUQLYDO6DWXUGD\                            %DUQHV(LÀHUVKRUWHQKRXUV                               and contests, including bowling contests.
   Sports, Fitness and Aquatics will host the Family             Barnes Field House and Eifler Fitness Center now            Right Arm Night is free and open to all, including Sol-

Pool Carnival Day 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday at Irwin            close at 8 p.m. Monday-Friday. Eifler Fitness Center is     diers, civilians, retirees and family members 18 and older.
Pool. The event is free and open to all authorized Fam-       also closed on Sundays. All other operating hours and         For more information, call 678.4446 or 533.5642.
ily and MWR patrons.                                          services remain the same.
   Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy a fun-filled         For more information about Barnes Field House, call        Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
day that includes free food (to the first 100 participants)    533.2948, or for Eifler Fitness Center, call 533.4723.
raft races, rock wall races and gold fish fishing.                                                                         the Mortal Kombat X Best-of-the-Best Challenge be-
                                                              (QMR\DWUDLOULGHZLWK%XIIDOR&RUUDO                     ginning at 9 a.m. Aug. 1 at Murr Community Center.
   For more information, call 533.3858.                          Buffalo Corral Horseback Riding Stables will host
                                                                                                                            Everyone is welcome. Cost is $3 per person to partici-
)UHH0DOO&RSPRRQOLJKWPRYLH                               two-hour, guided sunset trail rides 5-7 p.m. July 17, 24   pate, and prizes will be award to the top three place finishers.
   FMWR will present a free Moonlight Movie, “Paul            and 31. Cost is $40 for active duty or $50 for civilians.
                                                                                                                            For more information, contact your unit BOSS rep
Blart: Mall Cop 2,” beginning at dusk Saturday at War-           The Corral has also scheduled two-hour, guided          or the BOSS president at 520.538.8252.
rior/Sentinel Field.                                          trail rides including a steak dinner 4-6 p.m. July 18 and
                                                              25. The cost is $75 per person for military or $85 for     )HVWLYDOYHQGRUVVLJQXSQRZDQGVDYH
   Free popcorn, hot dogs, water and soft drinks are          civilians, and includes a 12-oz. T-bone steak, potato         Family and MWR is looking for food, arts and
provided, while supplies last.                                and salad. The Saturday trail rides are also available
                                                              without dinner at the cost of $40 for active duty and      crafts, novelty and other vendors for the 2015 Fun Fes-
   For more information, call 533.3354 or 266.0254.           $50 for other MWR patrons.                                 tival to be held Sept. 25, 26 and 27 at Veterans Memo-
                                                                                                                         rial Park, Sierra Vista.
5HOHDVH\RXUFUHDWLYHVLGH                                       Reservations are required for trail rides. For more
   The MWR Arts & Crafts Center is offering “Sip &            information, call Buffalo Corral at 533.5220 or visit         Vendors who sign up before July 31 will receive the
                                                              their Facebook page at           “Early Bird Special” of 25 percent off the regular price.
Create” for adults 7-9 p.m. July 24 and Aug. 28 at the        corral-riding-stables and send them a message.
19th Hole Lounge at Mountain View Golf Course.                                                                              For more information, call Amber Kinslow at
                                                              -XO\5$1PRYHVWR'HVHUW/DQHV                             520.533.2404 or 266.8033.
   Cost for Sip & Create is $35 per week, per person             The next Right Arm Night is 4 p.m. July 31 at Des-
and includes the canvas, paint, aprons and two bever-                                                                    3RRORIIHUVIUHHDGPLVVLRQ$XJXVW
ages (wine, beer, soda or water), plus instructions from      ert Lanes Bowling Center. Enjoy free finger foods, a           Irwin Outdoor Pool will offer free admission to all
the artist-in-residence, to create an original piece of art.  pay-as-you-go bar, and win prizes in several drawings
                                                                                                                         authorized MWR patrons 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 1, cour-
   To register for Sip and Create, call 533.5550 or stop at                                                              tesy of Arizona Ambulance Transport.
the Arts and Crafts Center noon-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.
                                                                                                                            For more information, call 533.3858.

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