Page 17 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
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FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015 The Scout 2B
9):KRVWV6WHDN)U\ 6WHZDUG2EVHUYDWRU\0LUURU/DEWRXUVRIIHUHG cially trained, volunteer docents, who explain the Mis-
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 will host Take a 90-minute tour to learn how engineering sion’s history and its lavishly decorated interior. For a
current tour schedule, go to their Website, www.sanx-
a steak fry 5:30-7:30 p.m. today at 549 Veterans Dr., and optical technology melds with manufacturing, and click on “Docent Tours Info.”
Sierra Vista. The dinner will include an 8-ounce steak techniques to produce the giant (8.4 meters/27 foot)
with onions and mushrooms, baked potato, corn, west- telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the /RFRPRWLYH6DWXUGD\VRIIHUHGLQ7XFVRQ
ern beans, dinner roll and salad. technology and processes involved in making the next Explore regional transportation history, and see
generation of telescopes that will explore deep into
Cost is $9 per member and $10 per guest. The event outer space and produce scientific research. freight trains passing by, or ring the locomotive bell
is open to all members, their guests, and all active duty at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum every
service members. Tours occur daily; visit to Saturday, year round. Locomotive Saturdays are held
purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the historic Train Depot, 414 N.
Live entertainment is set for 8 p.m.-midnight for students 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details Toole Ave., Tucson. Admission is free.
For more information, call C.J. “Shorty” Larson at or
520.458.9972. For more information, call 520.623.2223.
The Sierra Vista Historical Society is sponsoring The Muheim Heritage House Museum, a registered
the Arizona Humane Society to give back to Service
free Summer Saturdays at the Hauser Museum 10 a.m.- members, realizing that many of them are pet-owners. national historic site, was built by Joseph and Car-
noon Saturday and July 25 at 2930 E. Tacoma Street, This program is for military who have no one avail- melita Muheim beginning in 1898 with completion
Sierra Vista. Family activities for both kids and adults able to help care for their pets, and who are leaving in 1915. Located at 207 Youngblood Hill, the restored
will include a hands-on activity for children ages 5-12 the state for training or heading oversees for a tour of home is an example of late 19th century architecture.
years. Parents are encouraged to attend all sessions. duty. They can entrust their pets with AHS while away, Visitors can take a guided tour through the restored in-
and pets are placed in foster homes. There is no cost terior with its period furnishings. This pioneer home,
Saturday’s activities include a Historic Treasure to participate. situated on a hill, offers a panoramic view of Old Bis-
Hunt into Sierra Vista’s Fabulous Past Part One: Me- bee. The museum is open daily 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by
chanics, Barbers and Teachers. To learn more, contact AHS’ Alternative Placement appointment. Admission is $4.
Department, 602.997.7585 Ext. 2156 or alternative-
July 25 activities will include part two of a Historic For more information, call 520.432.7698.
Treasure Hunt into Sierra Vista’s Fabulous Past: Vin-
tage Technology, Entertainment and Food. (QMR\ELQJRWZLFHDZHHN Fort Huachuca
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 holds bingo Reel Time Theaters
Reserve your space and register your family by
contacting Nancy Krieski at 520.439.2309 or Nancy. at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public.
9):KRVWV%LUWKGD\%UHDNIDVW For more information, call 520.458.9972.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 will host a
birthday breakfast 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sunday at 549 Vet- The Illegitimate Theater Company is seeking peo-
erans Dr., Sierra Vista. Menu prices range $2-$5.45.
Members of Post 9972 or the Auxiliary eat for free if ple who are interested in any or all aspects of little the-
their birthday is in July. ater productions. They include acting, directing, stage
management, makeup, lighting, sound, ushering, tak-
The event is open to all members, their guests and ing tickets at the door and more.
all active duty service members.
If interested, call 520.249.0296 or 520.515.3721.
For more information, call C.J. “Shorty” Larson at
The Cochise College Center for Lifelong Learning The Nancy J. Brua Animal Care and Control Center
Ant-Man- 3D - First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., 6 p.m.
will sponsor Glenn Minuth’s field trip to Secluded Lo- has volunteer opportunities for people who like ani- Ant-Man- First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., 9 p.m.
cal Museums 8 a.m.-6 p.m. July 25 beginning at the mals and can help with cleaning, walking and more.
Sierra Vista Campus. Become acquainted with unique Primarily they need help on Saturdays, Sundays and SATURDAY
history, landscapes and hidden treasures by visiting most holidays.
museums located in our own backyard. Ant-Man- 3D - First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., noon
All volunteers must be 18 or older, able to pass a Ant-Man- 3D - First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., 3 p.m.
Glenn will take you to the Chiricahua Regional background check and will earn time towards the Vol- Southpaw- Free Advance Screening, (R) 123 min., 6 p.m.
Museum and Research Center in Willcox, a western unteer Service Medal.
history museum honoring the cultural heritage of the SUNDAY
region. Next, travel to Portal and enrich your knowl- For more information, call 520.458.4151 or stop by
edge of current conservation efforts at the American 6799 E. SR 90, Sierra Vista. Ant-Man- First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., noon
Museum of Natural History’s Southwest Research Sta- Ant-Man- First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., 3 p.m.
tion. Finally, spur your senses at the Chiricahua Desert WK0HPRULDO0XVHXP Ant-Man- First Run, (PG-13) 117 min., 6 p.m.
Museum in Rodeo, NM, which specializes in live rare The 390th Memorial Museum is a collection of
reptiles, botanical gardens and Native American arti-
facts. World War II images, memorabilia and personal his-
tories of the achievements of the 390th Bombardment
Cost is $89 and includes transportation, instruction Group (H), an Eighth Air Force unit based in England
and entrance fees. Bring a sack lunch, beverages and from 1943 to 1945.
water container.
The museum is located at 6000 E. Valencia Rd.,
To register, call 520.515.5492. Tucson, and is open 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
32:0,$0HPRULDO0RWRUF\FOH5XQ For more information, contact 520.574.0286 or
The Sky Islands Chapter of the Arizona Veterans
of Foreign Wars Riders will host its 9th Annual POW/ 0LVVLRQ6DQ;DYLHUGHO%DF
MIA Memorial Run 5-9 p.m. Sept. 19 beginning at Acclaimed as the finest example of mission archi-
Buddy’s Bar in Whetstone, Arizona. Entry fee is $10.
tecture in the United States, southwest of Tucson on
For more information, contact Ken at 520.220.0617 the Tohono O’odham Reservation, Mission San Xavier
or del Bac is still an active parish with a gift shop, arts,
crafts shop, museum and café. Free guided tours are
now available. The 45-minute tours are led by spe-