Page 13 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
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FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015                                                                                                 The Scout 13A


Department of the Army Civilians will satisfy their an-     Defense civilians employed at Fort Huachuca, and          munity Center, call 520.533.8414.
nual suicide prevention training requirement.               military dependents 18 years of age.                         For more information about the Sierra Vista Job

   For more information or to register, call                   This event is free and open to the public.             Fair at The Mall, call 520.458.9309.
                                                            6ROGLHU6KRZVHWIRU6HSWHPEHU                            +LVSDQLF+HULWDJH0RQWK&HOHEUDWLRQ
7UDLQLQJRQQHZ1&2(5SODQQHG                                  U.S. Army Soldier Show is on tour, telling the Army       Fort Huachuca Military Equal Opportunity Of-
   Training on the new non-commissioned evaluation
                                                            story and welcomes the public to their performances       fice personnel invite the community to a celebration
report that takes effect Jan. 1, 2016 will take place 8     at 7 p.m. Sept. 3 and 4 at the Buena Performing Arts      of Hispanic heritage at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 24 at the
a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Aug. 5 and 26 in Cochise The-        Center, Sierra Vista.                                     Thunder Mountain Activity Centre. The theme is
ater. Personnel need to attend only one four-hour ses-                                                                “Hispanic Americans: Energizing Our Nation’s Di-
sion.                                                          The 90-minute song-and-dance production dem-           versity.”
                                                            onstrates Army Strong, each moment in the show re-
   For more information, call 520.533.1053.                 flecting the strength of our nation as embodied in the        There will be entertainment and a food sampling.
                                                            Soldier. The five-month tour includes 60 shows in 31       There is no cost to attend.
&HOHEUDWH:RPHQ¶V(TXDOLW\'D\                              venues and continues the tradition of military enter-
   Fort Huachuca Military Equal Opportunity Office           tainment hailing from World War I to the present.         $6$3KROGVQHZFRPHURULHQWDWLRQ
                                                                                                                         Fort Huachuca Army Substance Abuse Program
personnel invite the community to a celebration of             This event is open to the general public and is meant
Women’s Equality Day 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Aug. 25 at           to provide quality entertainment for Soldiers by Sol-     personnel welcome newcomers and invite them to
Fitch Auditorium. The theme is “Celebrating Women’s         diers.                                                    attend the ASAP Newcomer Briefing 10:30-11 a.m.
Right to Vote.” There is no charge to attend.                                                                         every Wednesday. Learn about the services ASAP
                                                            &DUHHU(GXFDWLRQ)DLUSODQQHG                            provides to the community as well as the Arizona driv-
&DYDOU\ULGLQJVFKRROJUDGXDWLRQVHW                           A two-day job fair co-sponsored by Arizona Work-       ing-under-the-influence laws.
   B Troop, 4th U.S. Cavalry (Memorial) will welcome
                                                            force Connection, Army Community Service, Soldier            For information, call 520.538.1315.
its newest Troopers and Ladies to the unit during a         For Life-Transition Assistance Program and the De-
graduation ceremony at 9 a.m. Aug. 28 at Brown Pa-          partment of Economic Security is set for 10 a.m.-2        6XLFLGH3UHYHQWLRQ7UDLQLQJRIIHUHG
rade Field. The graduation ceremony marks the com-          p.m. Sept. 23 at Murr Community Center and 10 a.m.-          ACE (Ask, Care, Escort) training is offered at 9:30
pletion of the Cavalry Riding School when the Troop-        2 p.m. Sept. 24 at The Mall At Sierra Vista.
ers receive their official spurs, and the Ladies receive                                                               a.m. every Wednesday at Murr Community Center.
their riding crop.                                             Attend to get hired, bring copies of your resume and   This 90-minute class is required annually for all Sol-
                                                            dress to interview.                                       diers and DOD and Non-appropriated Fund Civilians,
   The unit is officially established by regulation and                                                                but is open to all. Learn the ACE process along with
funded by the Army. The unit has a zero-manpower               The Career & Education Fair at Fort Huachuca is        risk factors, protective factors, warning signs and re-
authorization and relies solely on volunteers to fill        open to job seekers from all branches of the military,    sources to help someone who is contemplating sui-
its ranks. Members are drawn from Active Duty, Re-          including Active, Guard and Reserve, Family mem-          cide. Family members and Army contractors are also
serve, and Retired military personnel, Department of        bers and veterans with post access. For more informa-     encouraged to take the class.
                                                            tion about the Career & Education Fair at Murr Com-

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