Page 10 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
P. 10

10A The Scout                                                                                                                                       FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015

Firefighters share

                                                                                                      Story and photos by Natalie Lakosil           ready for shipment. All of o
                                                                                                      Staff Writer                                  al firefighters are technicia
                                                                                                         Fort Huachuca is supported by three
                                                                                                      firehouses and more than 45 fire person-         Fire Station Two, which
                                                                                                      nel to help keep the installation safe.       addition to the firehouses,
                                                                                                                                                    Squire Avenue. Its prima
                                                                                                         “Our firefighters are tasked with a        structural and wild land fire
                                                                                                      multitude of missions—tech rescue mis-
                                                                                                      sion, [hazardous materials], wild land,          In the event of smoke
                                                                                                      [emergency medicine], aircraft, struc-        range, they are the initial
                                                                                                      tural,” said Reco Houston, assistant chief    fighters at this station will
                                                                                                      of training. “The Army regulation man-        try to contain it; they also
                                                                                                      dates that these [firefighters] get at least  aid partners such as the F
                                                                                                      120 hours of training each year and if        and other county resources
                                                                                                      you count everything [they do], they’re
                                                                                                      going to exceed that easily.”                    “Small grass fires we ca
                                                                                                                                                    the higher elevations or du
                                                                                                         Since wild land fires pose the most        mer, we don’t have the c
                                                                                                      danger to the installation, all three sta-    resources to deal with tha
                                                                                                      tions share fighting wild land fire as a      Service handles the prescri
                                                                                                      common mission. Each station also has         wildfires, and we assist,” sa
                                                                                                      a separate mission.
                                                                                                                                                       The Fort Huachuca Fir
                                                                                                         The primary mission of Fire Station        also partners with surround
                                                                                                      One, located on Smith Avenue, is struc-       cies for various training.
                                                                                                      tural firefighting and hazardous materi-
                                                                                                      als.                                             “This is a wild land stati
                                                                                                                                                    Jimenez, assistant chief of
                                                                                                         Structural firefighting includes all of    Fire Station Two. “We also
                                                                                                      the facilities on post and “urban inter-      for mutual aid assignment
                                                                                                      face,” or the land located next to the fa-    call; whoever needs it we h
                                                                                                      cilities. Firefighters respond with crews,
                                                                                                      deploy hoses, enter the structure and ex-        “Wild land fire is the big
                                                                                                      tinguish the fires.                           the post because the behavi
                                                                                                                                                    and you don’t know where
                                                                                                         When dealing with hazardous materi-        happen and so the post do
                                                                                                      als, the primary mission is everything up     of trying to mitigate those
                                                                                                      to the point of cleanup. Firefighters iso-    ards by trimming back br
                                                                                                      late the material and deny entry depend-      like that around facilities,”
                                                                                                      ing on the level of contamination.
                                                                                                                                                       The average day for fi
                                                                                                         “We can go anywhere from a simple          Fort Huachuca consists o
                                                                                                      containment to a technical HAZMAT             briefing, truck checks, co
                                                                                                      technician level, where we put on pro-        training or department trai
                                                                                                      tective suits and breathing apparatuses,”     break, more training, phy
                                                                                                      said Fort Huachuca Fire Chief Bradley         for an hour and then they j
                                                                                                      Nicholson. “They go in, identify the sub-     to respond for emergencie
                                                                                                      stance and put it in containers and get it    gency develops, they leave
                                                                                                                                                    resume once the situation is

Firefighters with the Fort Huachuca Fire Department conduct a structure fire training exercise here.  (left to right) Stephen Krause, firefighter, and Todd Erslev, firefighter, extinguish
                                                                                                      flames with a hose inside a mock structural fire during a monthly training
                                                                                                      exercise. The smoke to create a life like training environment is made from
                                                                                                      Propylene Glycol.
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