Page 4 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 7-17-15
P. 4
4A The Scout FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015
Navy Capt. Eric Johnson accepted command of the Command, Leadership, and Management. /\QQ',6$YLFHGLUHFWRUDQG1DY\&DSW(ULF-RKQVRQLQFRP
Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) from Army Maj. Gen. Alan Lynn, vice director, Defense Infor- command ceremony held July 10.
Col. Douglas Orsi at a change of command ceremony mation Systems Agency (DISA), presided over the
held July 10. ceremony. Family members, friends, colleagues, and cyber security, taking it to a new level, unmatched any-
military members bid farewell to Orsi and welcomed where in the world.”
Johnson’s most recent assignment was as chief of Johnson to the command.
the Cyberspace Current Operations Division for North During his farewell speech, Orsi thanked the person-
American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Lynn spoke of JITC’s achievements while Orsi was nel of JITC and all supporting components. He also
Northern Command. Prior to that, he was the deputy di- in command and commended Orsi as “an incredible conveyed his love and gratitude for his wife, Michelle;
rector of the Global Satellite Communications Support leader at the right time and the right place to have a ma- their son, Joshua; and daughter, Sedona. To show his
Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. jor impact for the nation.” appreciation for her continued support, Orsi presented a
bouquet of red roses to his wife.
Orsi served as the JITC commander since July 2012. “Through Doug’s leadership and insight, JITC re-
His next assignment is at the U.S. Army War College, duced overhead and gained efficiencies, but remained After taking command, Johnson said that he was both
mission focused and maintained their high OPTEMPO honored and privileged to join the JITC and DISA team.
0DM*HQ$ODQ/\QQSUHVHQWV&RO'RXJODV2UVLRXWJRLQJFRP and the highest professional standards,” Lynn said. “Un-
PDQGHU RI WKH -RLQW ,QWHURSHUDELOLW\ 7HVW &RPPDQG ZLWK WKH der Doug’s superb leadership, he has increased DoD “I look forward to building on the successes of the
'HIHQVH 6XSHULRU 6HUYLFH 0HGDO LQ UHFRJQLWLRQ RI WKUHH \HDUV past, and to the many challenges and opportunities we
RIRXWVWDQGLQJVXSSRUWWR-,7& 1DY\&DSW(ULF-RKQVRQLQFRPLQJFRPPDQGHURI-,7&UHFHLYHV face as an organization,” he said. “Our role in test and
WKHFRPPDQGÀDJIURP$UP\0DM*HQ$ODQ/\QQYLFHGLUHFWRU evaluation, whether it is methodology transformation,
RIWKH',6$GXULQJWKHFHUHPRQLDOSDVVLQJRIWKHFRORUV-XO\ Joint Information Environment implementation, deliv-
ery of information technology services, or DoD cyber-
space leadership, is fundamental to our core mission
and paramount to supporting the warfighter.”