Page 3 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
P. 3 3High Desert Warrior
February 5, 2016
Your Installation
‘FlyingTigers’to receive world-class facility
By Gustavo Bahena
Public Affairs Office Photo by Gustavo Bahena, Public Affairs Office
Ceremonial shoveling at the ground breaking (left to right): Todd Gillum, president of Cox Construction; Maj. Gen. Joseph
The National Training Center and Fort Irwin conducted a Martin, commander of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin; Col. Kirk Gibbs, commander of the Los Angeles District,
ground breaking ceremony for a facility that will support a unit U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Marcus Watkins, NASA management office; Col. Matthew Ruedi, commander of 916th
that operates Army unmanned aircraft systems, Jan. 12. Support Brigade, and Col. Scott Taylor, commander of United States Army Garrison at Fort Irwin.
The complex will provide a headquarters for B Company, USACE has with the NTC and Fort Irwin. surate with the quality of their service and this facility is definitely
229th Aviation Regiment, and house a fleet of 12 MQ-1C Gray “We continue to provide world-class facilities, such as the going to live up to that.”
Eagle unmanned aircraft. The unit known as the “Flying Tigers”
has operated Gray Eagles since it was re-activated here Oct. 16, new hospital and the water treatment plant project among many Gibbs stressed that the project supports an USACE campaign
2014. The unit is currently deployed. other things that are currently ongoing,” Gibbs said. “We’ve also plan goal of supporting national security by delivering innovative,
had projects here that provide our Soldiers with quality training resilient and sustainable solutions to the Department of Defense
After being reestablished, Soldiers of the unit began their train- facilities downrange or in ‘the box.’ All of these share a common and the nation.
ing and flying Gray Eagles from temporary structures located in a goal – that’s to provide our Soldiers with quality facilities commen-
remote area of the Goldstone NASA complex, a neighbor of the The site is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2017.
NTC in the Mojave Desert. Within a year, the Flying Tigers were
ready to deploy for real-world missions and supporting combatant
At the ceremony, NTC and Fort Irwin Commander Maj.
Gen. Joseph Martin explained the most important aspect of the
multi-partnership construction project is the impact it will have
on the Soldiers of the unit. Their proficiency as UAS operators is
tied directly to the training they conduct.
“They are there doing what they’re doing with the training
that was built on a foundation that was built right here with this
temporary facility,” Martin said.
The general stated the Flying Tigers’ equipment and aircraft
is world-class. He quoted the unit’s battalion commander when
describing the MQ-1C Gray Eagle by saying, “It can fly almost a
day without landing, carries four Hellfire missiles, and it can watch
and count the change you pull out of your pocket.”
“It’s an incredible capability, but it takes a bunch of training,”
Martin said. “So, we’re going to give them a world-class facility to
maintain their equipment in, to train with their equipment in and
operate in – and that’s a first of its kind in the Army.”
The new facility will include a 52,000 square-foot hangar, repair
shops, company administration offices, aircraft container storage
and vehicle parking, stated Col. Kirk Gibbs, commander of the
Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. His office is
providing project management.
Gibbs stated the new construction is part of a long history the
This Army file photo shows a MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aircraft. Photo by Gustavo Bahena, Public Affairs Office
Soldiers of B Company, 229th Aviation Regiment, 2916th Aviation Battalion, 916th Support
Brigade were recognized by leadership, Soldiers, families and community members at a
deployment ceremony at Fort Irwin, Oct. 5, 2015
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