Page 6 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
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6 High Desert Warrior                                                                                            
        February 5, 2016

Community Calendar

                      NOW                                           February 2016 Middle School and Teen Center Events:

t Advance ticket sales for “Rockin’ 80s Casino.” $25. Military     Feb. 5 Teen Choice                                     Feb. 19 Kids/Teens Choice
    and Civilian Spouses Club event to be held Feb. 27. Contact     Feb. 6 MST Crafts                                      Feb. 20 MST crafts                                Feb. 9 BGCA – Smart Girls                              Feb. 21 Middle School News
                                                                    Feb. 10 4H Cooking Club                                Feb. 23 BGCA – Smart Girls
t Commissary scholarships for military children. At least one      Feb. 12 Snow Tubing in Big Bear, Kids/Teens Choice     Feb. 24 4H Cooking Club
    scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded. Who can apply: de-       Feb. 13 MST Crafts                                     Feb. 26 Kids/Teens Choice
    pendent, unmarried child, younger than 21 or 23, if enrolled    Feb. 16 BGCA – Smart Girls                             Feb. 27 MST Crafts
    as a full-time student. Deadline for applications is Feb. 12.   Feb. 17 National Science Experiment, Motion Commotion
    Go to to download application or
    pick one up at the commissary here. Return application to       Feb. 5                                                 Feb. 7
    commissary.                                                     7 p.m. Starwars: The Force Awakens (PG-13)             7 p.m. Point Break (PG-13)
                                                                    Feb. 6                                                 Feb. 12
    EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY                                      7 p.m. Studio Appreciation “Free” Screening (Risen)    7 p.m. Concussion (PG-13)

Storytime. 10-11 a.m. Library, building 331 on 2nd Street.          Tickets: Adult - $5.00/3D-$7.00, Children 6-11 - $2.50/3D-$4.50 Five and Under are FREE. This schedule is subject to change at the last minute
During Storytime children will have three stories read to them       to accommodate changes in movies and free showings. ID cards are required from all personnel not in uniform when purchasing movie tickets.
after which they will make a craft they can bring home. This is a                                                        For more information and movie updates, call 380-3490.
free event open to the Fort Irwin community. Register by calling

                     FEB. 6

Auto Craft Shop classes. Building 910 on Langford Lake Road
Sand blasting, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Scan systems OBD 1 and 2, 4-6
p.m. For more information call 380-3531

                     FEB. 7

Super Bowl viewing at Shock Wave and Warrior Zone. Shock
Wave, doors open at noon; all you can eat pizza $6.95 until 1
p.m.; trivia, prizes and more. Kickoff at 3:30 p.m.

                     FEB. 10

Cooking class. 10-11 a.m. Commissary. Cooking class offered on
the second Wednesday of the month.

                     FEB. 13

Dirty Hearts Powder Run 2k/5k. 8:30 a.m. Army Field. $5 indi-
vidual and $8 couple. Call 380-7715/4940 for more information.

                     FEB. 18

Cupcake War. 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Sandy Basin Community Cen-
ter. Hosted by MCSC. $15 buffet. Bring 12 minimum identical
cupcakes; list cupcake name, possible allergies and flavor. Prizes
for first through third place. Judging on appearance, taste and
creativity. Also, “The Price is Right” showcase showdown to be
held. RSVP by Feb. 14 at

                     FEB. 27

Rockin’ 80s Casino Night. 6-11 p.m. Sam Adams Event Center.
Military and Civilian Spouses Club event, dinner and auction.
Activities include: Blackjack, Texas Hold’Em, Left Right Center,
DJ, dance floor, opportunity drawings, live and silent auctions,
heavy appetizers, cash bar. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tables
open at 6:30 p.m. Buffet from 6-8 p.m. Contact CasinoNight.

  For more information go to
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