Page 10 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
P. 10
10 High Desert Warrior
February 5, 2016
Your Installation
Military, DA police tryout for Special ReactionTeam
Story and photos by Gustavo Bahena major, said the objective is to put together a The military policemen who participated in tougher than most of the stuff I’ve been
group of specialized officers, who would be on the tryouts serve with HHC and are: Spc. Zach- through before,” Oden said. “I’m air assault
Public Affairs Office short-notice recall for emergency incidents. The ary Oden, Spc. Hunter Siems, Spc. Edward qualified, so I’ve been through this type of stuff
selected members would receive SRT phase 1 Warner and Sgt. Brian Mariscal. The civilian before, but they’ve definitely been pushing us
Five candidates took part in tryouts for a training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in the officer, Andrew Fremstad, serves with DES. for the last two days.”
Fort Irwin team of law enforcement officers very near future.
that will enhance the security and safety of this Fremstad said he was interested in trying out One MP who has already trained in SRT,
installation, Jan. 19-21. “Every installation is required to have a for the SRT because of the tactical and weapons and recently selected National Training Cen-
Special Reaction Team that is assigned to training and the challenge of the duties. He has ter Soldier of the Quarter, Spc. Daniel Diaz,
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, the commanding general to react to any been in law enforcement for nine years and this, stated the SRT school would be a once-in-a-
United States Army Garrison at Fort Irwin type of significant event that occurs on the if selected, would be his first assignment on a lifetime experience.
hosted the tests for four military policemen and installation – whether it’s an active shooter, SWAT team. The SRT training would instruct
one Department of the Army civilian police a hostage situation, a barricaded subject or on how to handle dangerous situations, make “We train in so many different situations,”
officer. The tryouts consisted of an obstacle something where you need a team of law quick decisions to deal with threats – all the Diaz said. “We train in barricaded subjects,
course, KIMS game, Army physical fitness test, enforcement professionals to do a dynamic while maintaining officer safety. hostage situations, active shooters, high-risk
urban land navigation, ruck marches, M4/M9 entry,” Cheadle said. warrants, drug busts.”
stress shoot, a three-mile run and appearing Mariscal stated that SRT training is one
before a board. Cheadle explained that USAG Fort Irwin of the most sought-after schools by military Cheadle explained that these tryouts, and
Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel O’Brien recom- police in the Army. The tryouts have placed subsequent ones, would help select the most
The candidates could eventually be accepted mended the implementation of organizing the candidates in challenges as a team, but capable and professional candidates to attend
into a military Special Reaction Team, which is the SRT. O’Brien and Cheadle collaborated they’ve worked together on different shifts the school.
similar to a SWAT team (special weapons and in creating two SRTs when serving together at the past several months, so there was already
tactics) in civilian law enforcement agencies. Fort Bliss, Texas with the 93D MP Battalion, some familiarity. “Fort Irwin can be quiet proud of the Spe-
89th MP Brigade. cial Reaction Team they’ll get when they come
Sergeant Maj. Randy Cheadle, Fort Irwin “Physically and mentally it’s been a lot back,” Cheadle said.
Directorate of Emergency Services sergeant
The candidates: Military Policemen Spc. Hunter Siems, Spc. Zachary Oden, Spc. Edward
Warner, Sgt. Brian Mariscalf and Department of the Army Civilian Police Officer Andrew
Spc. Hunter Siems swings from a rope at an obstacle course here, Jan. 19. Spc. Edward Warner and Spc. Zachary Oden dismount the final log of an obstacle, Jan. 19.
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