Page 12 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
P. 12

High Desert Warrior                                                      

12 February 5, 2016

                                                                                           From MEDEVAC, page 1

who appeared to be thrown from the downed aircraft suffering an amputated right arm.       ing Fort Irwin firefighters with an extraction kit. As firefighters used their equipment to
   “I quickly applied a tourniquet to the patient’s right arm and then applied a chest     remove the injured Soldier trapped by debris, emergency crews loaded the ejected Soldier,
                                                                                           treated by Alvarez, onto an awaiting UH-60 Blackhawk. After extraction of the pilot,
seal,” said Alvarez. “I also performed a needle chest decompression to relieve some of     firefighters and medics loaded the Soldier onto the last aircraft, ending the exercise. The
the pressure on his lungs.”                                                                whole operation took less than an hour.

   The other injured Soldier, under the care of Wygal, remained in the pilot seat and was     “The main thing we do is take care of patients and get them to the hospital, get them
trapped by debris from the downed UH-60 Blackhawk. Wygal immediately requested             to the highest level of care possible.” Partyka, said.
more assets for extraction. Within minutes, another UH-60 Blackhawk arrived deliver-

 Sgt. Lukas Alvarez, flight medic with C Company, 2916th Aviation Battalion, 916th Sustainment Brigade, performs emergency medical treatment during an exercise just outside of
 the training village Razish, Jan. 13.

 Several emergency vehicles took part in the medical evacuation exercise.
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