Page 14 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
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14 High Desert Warrior                                                                         
        February 5, 2016

Your Community

Kaleidoscope a success for military spouses

    Story and photos by Gustavo Bahena              tary spouses, stated Jacobi. A small group of        consigning in October 2015, soon after teach-      the venue. “It’s very unique.”
                                                    them originally teamed up to form the busi-          ing herself to use a sewing machine. The venue        Jacobi expressed she has noticed a positive
                 Public Affairs Office              ness. Some of the spouses had been crafters          has provided her with a good experience.
                                                    previously and others have only recently                                                                influence on the store’s participating spouses.
   When Kaleidoscope opened here Sept. 1,           started. Some have business experience that             “It was exciting,” said Baker about learn-         “I’ve had a lot of consignors say it’s actu-
2015, there were only eight consignors dis-         has helped.                                          ing of Kaleidoscope. “It was a really awesome
playing and selling their home-made crafts,                                                              way to get your stuff out there, do something      ally changed their experiences here at Fort
artworks and apparel to the community.                 Jacobi praised the ladies who have consigned      for yourself. It’s nice to have something for      Irwin – it’s changed the way they feel about
                                                    and volunteered to run the venue.                    ourselves to do.”                                  themselves,” Jacobi said. “They realize they
   Today the venue, located in the main                                                                                                                     can go and run a successful business and it
Exchange lobby, has 58 individuals who have            “They get together and teach each other              Veronica Martin, a military spouse who          doesn’t require a whole lot of money – it just
articles for sale. Cathy Jacobi, a military spouse  crafts, different artistic techniques and different  specializes in cheesecake and turtle desserts,     requires a whole lot of energy. And it requires
here who headed the store’s establishment, ex-      ideas,” Jacobi said. “They have made the store       said there are many spouses with hidden talents,   a good team.”
plained that Kaleidoscope has been a success;       grow, not me, [with] their ideas … synergy           who might not have or know about a venue for
the addition of consignors and the revenue          and the co-op of them working together and           their works. The store is a convenient locale for     Kaleidoscope sells wood crafts, clothing,
generated are the proof. She stated that by the     helping each other out.”                             selling their items.                               home decor items, signs, artwork, desserts and
end of 2015, approximately $14,000 had been                                                                                                                 more. Custom orders are also accepted. Hours
distributed to consignors.                             Megan Baker, a military spouse, specializes          “It’s a great opportunity to open up your       are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.,
                                                    in making bow ties for children. She started         talents to the community,” Martin said about       and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
   The vast majority of consignors are mili-

Megan Baker, a military spouse here, specializes in making bow ties for children. She                    Staff Sgt. Erendira Cortez shakes hands with ladies attending the open house at
started consigning at Kaleidoscope in October 2015, soon after teaching herself to use a                 Kaleidoscope here, Jan. 29. Cortez hosts a female mentorship group with United States
sewing machine.                                                                                          Army Medical Department Activity, which was invited to the open house. The group meets
                                                                                                         and visits a facility once a month to provide networking opportunities for its members.

Kaleidoscope members: Misty Dennis, store manager; Cathy Jacobi, military spouse here                    Consignors of Kaleidoscope, members of a female mentorship group and Kristen Ramirez
who headed the store’s establishment, and; Beth Kernaghan, consignor who specializes                     (right) of Bob Hope USO Ontario gathered for a group photo during an open house at the
in signs made from reclaimed wood.                                                                       store, Jan. 29.

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