Page 9 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
P. 9 9High Desert Warrior
February 5, 2016
From TAXES, page 8
Fort Irwin United States Army Garrison Commander Col. Scott Taylor speaks with Capt. Photos by Gustavo Bahena, Public Affairs Office
Joshua Cumming and Staff Sgt. Glorydana Gabb, Jan. 25. Cumming is the officer-in-charge Fort Irwin United States Army Garrison Commander Col. Scott Taylor shakes hands with
and Gabb the non-commissioned officer-in-charge of the tax center. Taylor applauded Spc. John Keller, who is supporting the Fort Irwin Tax Center. He is one of five Soldiers who
tax center personnel for their work that will save money for Soldiers and community received training to serve as certified tax preparers.
members. He said that last year the center provided approximately $138,000 in tax
preparation services to 856 customers. Those services led to about $1.9 million in returns.
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