Page 8 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
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8 High Desert Warrior                                                                                                                                
        February 5, 2016


Tax center provides                                                                                                                    Fort Irwin United States Army
                                                                                                                                       Garrison Commander Col. Scott
free services                                                                                                                          Taylor (right) and Command Sgt.
                                                     By Capt. Joshua Cumming                                                           Maj. Daniel O’Brien cut the ribbon
                                                                                                                                       to ceremonially open the doors
                                                  Fort Irwin Legal Assistance Office                                                   to the tax center, Jan. 25.

   The Fort Irwin Tax Center opened its doors Jan. 25 and offers free tax preparation services by certified                                                                   Photo by Gustavo Bahena, Public Affairs Office
Soldier and civilian tax preparers.

   Tax services are available to active-duty military personnel from all services (including Army Reserves and
National Guard on orders for 30 days or more), military retirees, and their dependents. However, the tax center
is unavailable for clients in certain tax situations. The following are the most common disqualifying situations:
1) more than three rental properties owned. 2) private business activities. 3) the lack of necessary supporting
documentation, including: Social Security cards for all involved, W-2s, 1099s, bank account information, and
powers of attorney (POA) – the IRS Form 2848, a general POA or special POA authorizing the filing of taxes
on behalf of a spouse.

   The tax center is located at building 230 on the corner of C Avenue and Third Street, and is operated by
the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Legal Assistance Office. The hours of operation are Monday through
Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., until the closing date of April 18. The tax center is the only place on post that provides
free tax preparation by Internal Revenue Service and California Franchise Tax Board trained and certified staff.

   If you are unsure whether you qualify for tax center assistance or have any other tax-related questions, call
the Fort Irwin Legal Assistance Office at 380-3604. Although walk-ins are welcome, appointments are strongly
preferred and can be made by calling 380-3604. Start off the New Year the right way and get your tax return
prepared for free!

                                                                                                                    See TAXES, page 9

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