Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 5, 2021
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2   March 5, 2021                                           Commentary                                         Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                     news                                                          March 5, 2021    3                                                                                                                                                      
   To hell with ‘it’                                                                                                                                                  99th ABW                                          432nd Wing announces

   by Master Sgt. Jenniffer Teets       became my lone release for the pain and                                                                                                                                         2020 annual award winners
   Dover AFB, Del.                      frustrations that engulfed me.                                                                                                announces
                                           But it wasn’t enough and I still felt
     Have you had a life altering moment?  empty and sought to fill the void. I didn’t                                                                                                                                     During a recently ceremony,     First Sergeant of the Year —     Field Grade Officer of the Year
   Not like dodging a car accident that made  know how, but I knew I needed to change                                                                                                                                   the 432nd Wing, 432nd Air Expe-  Master Sgt. Justin, 732nd Opera-  — Maj. Brent, 25th Attack Group,
   your heart skip a few beats.         the course I was on or “it” was going to                                                                                                                                        ditionary Wing announced their  tions Group, 15th Attack Squad-  89th Attack Squadron
     I’m talking about a moment where the  redefine who I was in all areas of my life.                                                                                2021 MVPs                                         annual award winners.            ron                                Flight Commander of the Year
   fundamentals of who you are become      During my last assignment, the Air-                                                                                                                                             “Congrats to all our 432nd Wing   Key Spouse of the Year — Mar-  — Capt. Nicholas, 732nd Opera-
   questioned. The type when you look in  men’s personal struggles in and out of                                                                                                                                        2020 Annual Award Nominees,”  cela, 432nd Operations Group,  tions Group, 867th Attack Squad-
   the mirror and the reflection you see is  work seemed to have a price; more often                                                                                     The 99th Air Base Wing recognized civilian,    said base leadership in a Facebook  489th Attack Squadron        ron
   not yours.  If you have, I want you to  than not, things would trigger specific                                                                                     enlisted and commissioned Airmen as their “2020   post. “We hosted a spectacular    Flight Chief of the Year — Tech   Officer Formal Training Unit
   think back to that specific moment in  emotions or flashbacks to my earlier                                                                                         MVPS” during the annual awards ceremony Feb.     afternoon recognizing Hunters for  Sgt. Jared, 25th Attack Group,  Instructor of the Year — Capt.
   time when you decided not to let “it”  situation.                                                                                                                   26, 2021.                                        the crucial work they have done  89th Attack Squadron            Berigan, 432nd Operations Group,
   define you.                             I found myself in a vicious cycle of                                                                                          The 2020 winners are:                          this year, and had the opportunity   Enlisted Formal Training Unit  44th Reconnaissance Squadron
     This very sentence reminds me of a  work, family, day-to-day grind and                                                                                            Airman: Senior Airman Breanne Bailey             to recognize many of them with  Instructor of the Year — Staff      Officer Flying Instructor of the
   revealing quote by Simon Sinek, “Most  drinking myself to sleep hoping to avoid                                                                                     NCO: Tech. Sgt. Chelsey Barnes                   some well-earned hardware to  Sgt. Matthew, 432nd Operations  Year — Capt. Dolan, 432nd Opera-
   of us live our lives by accident — we live  the nightmares. With lots of reflection,                                                                                Senior NCO: Senior Master Sgt. Alonso Blackman Jr.  display in their workspaces. Thank  Group, 11th Attack Squadron  tions Group, 30th Reconnaissance
   as it happens. Fulfillment comes when  I realized I longed to feel the joy I once                                                                                   Company Grade Officer: Capt. Nathan Spradley     you for Holding the Line!”         Enlisted Flying Instructor of  Squadron
   we live our lives on purpose.”       sensed: mentoring and helping people.                                                                                          Field Grade Officer: Maj. Robert Shuler             The award winners are:        the Year — Tech. Sgt. Travis,      Weapons Officer Instructor of
     Prior to 2016, I spent most of my vol-  Additionally, I came to realize my                                                                                        First Sergeant: Senior Master Sgt. Quentin Davis    Airman of the Year — Senior  732nd Operations Group, 732nd  the Year — Capt. Dennis, 25th At-
   unteer time with activities or organiza-  dark poems were keeping me in a rota-                                                        Courtesy photograph          Civilian Category 1: Christina McKeen            Airman China, 432nd Mission  Operations Support Squadron         tack Group, 20th Attack Squadron
   tions concentrated toward teaching and  tion of destructive emotions. Intention-  Master Sgt. Jenniffer Teets, 436th Comptroller Squadron, carries the Air Force flag while   Civilian Category 2: Angela Sisneros   Support Group, 432nd Security      Junior Company Grade Officer     Civilian, Category 1 of the Year
   leading Airmen in any venue I could  ally, I began spending more of my time   on horseback during a rodeo competition.                                              Civilian Category 3: Dr. James Honeycutt         Forces Squadron                  of the Year — 1st Lt. Chase, 432nd  — Melissa, 25th Attack Group,
   reach.                               leading outside the uniform. Knowing                                                                                           Honor Guard Airman: Senior Airman Anasacia          NCO of the Year — Tech. Sgt.  Operations Group, 30th Recon-   482nd Attack Squadron
     That all changed when someone I  something had to change, I accepted the  shattered pieces of me that remained.  versus my trauma. It has empowered me              Argueta                                        Hannah, 432nd Operations Group,  naissance Squadron                 Civilian, Category 2 of the Year
   trusted and thought had pure intentions  role as an event director for the Profes-  One example was while representing  to write a success story for those who      Volunteer (Teen): Laylia Walker                  30th Reconnaissance Squadron       Junior Company Grade Officer  — Megan, 432nd Mission Support
   reminded me how horrid and selfish  sional Armed Forces Rodeo Association.  PAFRA, we spent an afternoon with hos-  could use a lending hand. Serving others        Volunteer (Adult): Sandy Valdezate                  Senior NCO of the Year — Mas-  of the Year — Capt. Patrick, 25th  Group, 432nd Support Squadron
   some people fundamentally are. A series   Additionally, I accepted the only  pital-bound oncology patients during the  motivates me and preoccupies me from         Key Spouse: Carissa Jones                        ter Sgt. Sarah, 432nd Wing Staff   Attack Group, 25th Operations    Civilian Category 3 of the Year
   of events unfolded and I eventually found  enlisted leadership role appointed to a  finals of the world championship rodeo.  dwelling on various aspects of my past.                                                 Agency                           Support Squadron                — Felicia, 432nd Wing Staff Agency
   myself confronted with having to make  military member on behalf of Cheyenne   Seeing those kids muster the courage   This is not meant to downgrade any-
   extreme decisions.                   Frontier Days. Both organizations tied  to meet our rodeo horses in the park-  one’s life trials. Drinking my trauma
     The influencers of my life at that time  directly into our family’s passion for  ing lot was indescribable. It absorbed  away wasn’t the answer for me, nor was it
   assured me the court proceedings would  horses and rodeo. Working with people  several hours of our day, but it created  productive in the healing process. I sadly                                                  Nellis hosts virtual COVID-19 Town Hall
   not bring value to my healing process; I  outside of the military was that change  memories for children and families who  did not wake up with that revelation. It
   followed their advice.               of scenery that I needed to redirect my  had been limited to living in the oncol-  took time and realizing that I needed to
     Unfortunately, I opted not to take  focus away from “it.”                ogy ward.                            find something more.                                                                                 by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
   part in the legal process until the formal   These acts of being a servant leader   It gave them a moment to be engaged,   To this day, it takes frequent remind-                                                    Nellis AFB, Nev.
   discharge board proceedings against that  offered me different opportunities so I  while at least temporarily not having to  ers that what happened did not need to
   Airman, which took place in 2018. Dur-  could refocus my attention. It was more  focus on all the negative that had become  define who I am, nor does it deserve that                                                   New COVID-19 guidelines,
   ing this time, I didn’t work on healing.  than something to consume time or stay  their “it.” This is exactly what focusing  power. This message is intended for you                                                 the coronavirus vaccine and the
     Honestly, I was in self-preservation  busy; it was things I willingly chose to  on the spirit of community was doing  to fill the “it” with your current or past                                                   road map to recovery were topics
   mode. I was fully focused on staying  invest in.                           for me.                              situations. No matter how large or small                                                             covered by Nellis leadership and
   afloat at work and keeping my family    The act of feeling as if I had control   The act of giving provided me outlets  those tribulations may be, only you can                                                      medical professionals during the
   from seeing my tears. Writing poems  and a voice again began to replace the  to concentrate on positive opportunities  determine what happens next.                                                                  COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Feb. 17, 2021, at Nellis Air Force
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Base, Nev.
   winners, from Page 1     									      Master Sgt. Amanda M. Nelson,        Capt. Dylan C. Hallums, 548th CTS,    Master Sgt. Jason C. Allchin, 414th                                                                  Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Air Base
                                        Detachment 2, 6th CTS, Camp Bullis,   Fort Polk, La.                       CTS, Nellis AFB                                                                                      Wing commander, and Col.
   AFSPECWAR Support Noncommissioned    Texas                                 AFSPECWAR Survival, Evasion,         AFSPECWAR Enlisted Instructor of the                                                                 Linda Hagemann, 99th Medical
   Officer (NCO) of the Year            AFSPECWAR Tactical Air Control Party   Resistance and Escape (SERE) NCO of the   Year                                                                                           Group deputy commander, ad-
     Staff Sgt. Zackery W. Garland,     (TACP) NCO of the Year                Year                                    Tech. Sgt. Therron A. Bundick, 66th                                                               dressed questions in front of a
   Detachment 2, 6th Combat Training       Staff Sgt. Nicholas J. Ward, 12th CTS,   Staff Sgt. Kyle J. Maloy, 414th CTS,   Weapons Squadron, Nellis AFB                                                                 virtual, live audience during the                               Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
   Squadron (CTS), Camp Bullis, Texas   Fort Irwin, Calif.                    Nellis Air Force Base, Nev           AFSPECWAR CGO Instructor of the Year                                                                 event with the help of a panel of   Maj. Taylor Atchley, 99th Medical Group immunization clinic officer-in-charge,
   AFSPECWAR Support Senior NCO of the   AFSPECWAR TACP Company Grade         AFSPECWAR SERE Senior NCO of the        Capt. Mister Carlton, 6th CTS, Nellis                                                             medical professionals from the   answers questions during the COVID-19 Town Hall rehearsal at Nellis Air Force
   Year                                 Officer (CGO) of the Year             Year (Tier 2)                        AFB                                                                                                  99th MDG, as well as 99th ABW    Base, Nev., Feb. 17, 2021. Nellis AFB leadership and medical professionals hosted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Command Chief Master Sgt. Alex   the town hall to give updates about COVID guidelines and answer questions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Morgan III.
                                            Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number   Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young  Members of the panel included   protection condition (HPCON)  experience with the coronavirus
                                         published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Air Base Wing commander, and   Lt. Col. Jeffrey Collins, public   level to Bravo, which means there  vaccine.
                                         firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.      Command Chief Master Sgt. Alex Morgan III, 99th Air   health flight commander, Maj.   has been a sustained decrease   “I’m here to protect the team
                                         Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity                                                of COVID-19 cases in Southern  and protect the mission,” said
         Desert Lightning News Staff     are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include   Base Wing command chief, greet a 99th ABW Annual   Shannon McCarthy, chief of in-
      Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  Award nominee at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 26,   fectious disease, and Maj. Taylor   Nevada, as well as on Nellis Air  Dyer. “I wanted to offer my ex-
      Stuart Ibberson, Editor            the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   2021. Dyer took time during the ceremony to thank   Atchley, chief of immunizations.  Force Base.  perience with the vaccine to help
      Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout                                                                              members strive for accurac y each week .
      Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales   Air Force.                           purchaser, user or patron.          If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert   nominees, winners and families for their resilience and   Dyer started the town hall   Dyer continued with a break-  you make your decision”
                                            The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail                                                                down on mask wear guidance for
      COnTACT: editorial staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,            hard work during a challenging 2020.             with the announcement of the
      For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider                     installation updating its health   the installation and his personal   See COvid-19, on Page 12
                                                                                                                  publishing a correction when appropriate.
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