Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 5, 2021
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4   March 5, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  news                                            March 5, 2021    5           

 Creech hosts Black   Nevada Guard leads COVID-19 vaccination effort in Las Vegas

 History month event  by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie                                                                 “The biggest challenge is not knowing when we will

          Las Vegas, Nev.                                                                                     be getting more vaccines,” Anderson said. “Because
                                                                                                              there are so many community partners working here,
            Soldiers and Airmen of Joint Task Force 17 have been                                              it’s hard to turn it off and then back on again if the
          mobilized since mid-January to assist and administer                                                vaccines become unavailable again.”
          COVID-19 vaccines throughout the Las Vegas valley.                                                    Despite these challenges, JTF 17 Soldiers and Air-
            As of Feb. 16, more than 304,000 doses had been                                                   men continue their missions and help to stand up new
          administered in Clark County, with nearly 65,000                                                    points of distribution throughout the valley and in sur-
          residents receiving both doses, according to the South-                                             rounding areas. Four senior centers recently opened in
          ern Nevada Health District. There are more than 2.2                                                 Coleman, Parkdale, Winchester and Flamingo. More
          million residents in the county, so there is still a lot of                                         than 950 residents were vaccinated in the first week.
          work ahead.                                                                                         Vaccinating the most vulnerable remains a constant
            In recent weeks, Las Vegas opened up several dis-                                                 focus.
          tribution points under the guidance of the Federal                                                    The strike team officer in charge of the mobile sites
          Emergency Management Agency and the SNHD.                                                           at the senior centers, 1st Lt. Theodore McCord, has a
            “We’re helping to support the distribution of the                National Guard photograph by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie  team of 12 members who assist with registrations, ap-
          vaccine,” said North Las Vegas Deputy Fire Chief   Nevada National Guard Spec. Demetrie Barnett with Joint   pointments and vaccinations.
          Travis Anderson. “... We’re administering close to two   Task Force 17 administers the Pfizer vaccine to residents at   “These locations are strategically placed throughout
          thousand doses of the vaccine per day.”           the Cora Coleman Senior Center, Feb. 16, 2021, in Las Vegas.   the city,” McCord said. “We want to be able to facili-
            Anderson is the incident commander at the Canyon                                                  tate all four areas of the valley: Northwest, Northeast,
          Springs High School distribution site. He manages more  are health care workers, Nevadans 70 years and older,  Southwest and Southeast.”
          than a dozen Nevada Guard Task Force members and  Nevadans 65-69 years, public safety and security work-  On Feb. 17, a separate group of JTF 17 personnel
          20 volunteers at the site.                        ers, and frontline community supporters.          helped open and operate the COVID-19 site at Desert
 Air Force photographs  “The communication between everyone has been   The Silver State recently hit a milestone of roughly  Pines High School. In just three days, over 1,900 people
 In mid-February, the Diversity and Inclusion Council at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., hosted a Black History Month event. During the event, Col. Ronnie, Persistent Attack and   awesome,” said Sgt. Anna Sahagun, the Guard’s su-  500,000 vaccines distributed, according to the Centers  in that community were vaccinated.
 Reconnaissance Operations Center commander, and key speaker, shared his thoughts regarding how the world, and in particular the Airmen of our Air Force, can progress   pervisor at the high school. “Everybody is very friendly  for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite shipping   “This is a great opportunity for me to serve my
 Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.  “I think my biggest desired takeaway is that our youngest need to feel empowered to make a difference,” he said. “All too often, it feels like   and it’s easy to resolve issues as they arise. I think that  challenges due to the severe weather that struck parts of  community,” McCord said. “I volunteer at my church
 there’s an assumption that we have to wait until somebody like the first African-American President or the first African-American Chief of Staff enters the picture in order for   contributes to the success here — we work together as  the Midwest, Nevada had the ninth-highest utilization  at least four times a week, but being able to protect my
 real change to be realized. Real, lasting change is made by everyday people, and our Airmen can, and need, to be the engine of that change.”  a team.”  rate in the country — using 91 percent of its allocated  community in this capacity and helping people get
            The five priority groups eligible to receive the vaccine  vaccines compared to the national average of 85%.  vaccinated is just an added blessing.”

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