Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 5, 2021
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6   March 5, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                                  March 5, 2021    7           

 Air Force announces officer stratification guidance                                     Dentistry For Children

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 The Air Force announced new Total Force officer  tors, pilots, etc.). Officers may be stratified against  feedback, and increased performance delineation
 stratification guidance March 1 for officers in the  civilian personnel in equivalent duty positions.  to support various talent management decisions.”  Board Certified Pediatric Dentists  Special ServiceS
 grades of O-2 through O-6, effective on any officer  However, in order for an evaluator to use the duty   Second lieutenant, company grade officer and   Dr. Jon P. Galea  • Nitrous Oxide
 performance report that closes out April 1 or later.  position peer group, evaluators must first stratify  field grade officer stratifications are no longer   Dr. Elizabeth J. McGee  • Sedation
 “As we execute Action Order A (Airman), we must  officers by grade to ground the statement and com-  permitted.                          • Hospital Dentistry
 remain focused on a culture of transparency,” said  municate the clearest depiction of where an officer   “Similar to what we do for our newest enlisted   702-853-7322
 Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.  stands (e.g., “#1/2 Capts, #1/40 Analysts).  Airmen, we want our newest officers to singularly   Most insurances accepted.
 “By strengthening our officer stratification policy,   Officers assigned or attached to a joint position  focus on learning their jobs and our Air Force cul-  •  6365 Simmons St., Suite 100  •  North Las Vegas  •  Located at the SW corner of Aliante and Centennial Parkway
 we are meeting that intent. This step is necessary  may be stratified against officers of the same grade,  ture,” Kelly added.
 to give officers a full understanding of where they  regardless of service affiliation, within an evalua-  Officers may not be stratified based on additional
 stand amongst their peers as well as help better  tor’s scope of rating authority. In addition, senior  duty positions and may not be stratified against en-
 inform our talent management decisions.”  raters may stratify officers within Reserve partici-  listed personnel. Stratification statements based on
 Stratifications used in the Officer Performance  pation category within the senior rater’s scope of  awards (e.g. #1/50 as Sq CGO of the Quarter) and
 Report (AF Form 707) and Letters of Evaluation  authority (e.g., #1/6 IMA O-6s; #2/5 VLPAD Majs).  the use of percentages in lieu of a defined numerator
 (AF Form 77) will be limited to the following peer   Once an officer is selected for promotion, they  and denominator are no longer authorized (e.g. Top
 groups: grade, command position and duty position.  can only be stratified against others selected for  5%/121 Capts). Additionally, the use of stratification
 Department of the Air Force Grade: The grade  promotion to the same grade (i.e., a major select  statements from anyone other than the rater or addi-
 peer group includes only officers in the same grade.  can only be stratified against other major selects).  tional rater are prohibited. Stratifications from senior
 Grade stratifications can be further broken down by   “We owe our officers a clear understanding of  raters can still be quoted, as long as they are signing
 developmental category (e.g., #1/12 LAF-C Captains).  their performance relative to their peers. Airmen  in the reviewer block. Stratifications from deployed
 Command Position: The command position peer  need and deserve feedback on their strengths and  commander Letters of Evaluation may also be quoted.
 group refers to officers filling command positions.  weaknesses and on the skills they may need to im-  Evaluators should only use stratification numera-
 Command position stratification statements for  prove to truly maximize their capability,” said Lt.  tors approximately once per 12-month period, but   Tax Law Changes
 individuals below the grade of O-6 may also include  Gen. Brian Kelly, deputy chief of staff for manpower,  no more than once per six-month period.  “Change is hard. Especially for active duty military and
 their grade with the stratification statement (e.g.,  personnel and services. “This interim stratification   AFI 36-2406 is a Department of the Air Force   families. How am I going to find the time to figure this out?”  Thank You For Your Service
 #2/6 Maj Sq/CCs).  guidance assists with this goal, ensuring a standard-  Instruction applicable to both the Air Force and
 Duty Position: The duty position peer group  ized practice across the Air Force. It also provides  Space Force. Space Force will follow these policies   “We understand the unique tax issues for active duty and
 refers to the officer’s duty position type, level and  us with a bridge and culture transformation tool  until service-specific evaluation and promotion   retired military including multi-state, residency requirements   Walker Supports The Brave Men & Women
 scope of responsibility (e.g., section chiefs, flight  as we work toward a new officer evaluation system  policies are developed and fielded.  and working abroad. We are a cloud based firm so we can work   Who Serve Our Country
 commanders, branch chiefs, action officers, instruc-  focused on increased transparency, more direct   For additional information, go to MyPers.  with you from wherever you are.” -  Barbara D. Agerton, CPA
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