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BULLSEYE                                    News                                                                                        7January 8, 2016                                                                                              

Coalition airstrikes kill 10 senior ISIL leaders in December

By Terri Moon Cronk                        “Syria-based Charaffe al                                                                      t 4ZSJBCBTFE #BOHMBEFTIJ 4JGVM
                                          Mouadan was “planning addi-                                                                 Haque Sujan was killed Dec. 10 near
DOD News, Defense Media Activity          tional attacks against the West.”                                                           Raqqah, Syria. Sujan was an exter-
                                                                                                                                      nal operations planner and a United
   WASHINGTON — A high-value                                                  Army Col. Steve Warren                                  Kingdom-educated computer systems
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant                                                                                                  engineer, Warren said, adding Sujan
leader killed by U.S.-led coalition          Warren also provided descriptions             facilitator, was killed Dec. 8 near        supported ISIL hacking efforts, anti-
airstrikes Dec. 24 was just one of 10     of the other nine deceased ISIL lead-            Kirkuk, Iraq. His death, Warren said,      surveillance technology and weapons
ISIL leaders targeted and killed so       ers:                                             “will disrupt ISIL’s ability to conduct    development. “Now that he’s dead,
far this month, Combined Joint Task                                                        (improvised explosive device) attacks      ISIL has lost a key link between net-
Force Operation Inherent Resolve             t 3 BXB OE %J MTIFS 5B IFS
 B O FY UFS-  near Kirkuk.”                              works,” he said.
spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren          nal operations facilitator; and Khalil
confirmed Dec. 29.                        Ahmad Ali al-Wais, also known as                    t :VOJT ,IBMBTI

                                          Abu Wadhah of Kirkuk province,                   who was ISIL’s deputy financial emir       also known as Akram Aabu, an ISIL
   Speaking to reporters at the Penta-    Iraq. Taher, killed Dec. 7 near Raqqah,          in Mosul, Iraq, was killed Dec 9. His      commander and executioner, was
gon via a live satellite feed from Bagh-  Syria, was a trusted ISIL member who             death will burden senior ISIL cadre to     killed Dec. 12 near his base of opera-
dad, Warren said Syria-based Charaffe     assisted with command and control                find a technically skilled and trust-      tions in Tal Afar, Iraq.
al Mouadan was “planning additional       and handling and transferring money              worthy replacement, Warren said.
attacks against the West,” and was di-    and equipment. Abu Wadhad, the ISIL              Mithaq Najim, ISIL’s deputy emir in           t"CEFM,BEFS)BLJN
rectly linked to Abdelhamid Abaaoud,      emir of Kirkuk province had a long               Kirkuk province was also killed Dec.       external operations facilitator, was
leader of the cell responsible for the    history of targeting U.S. and Iraqi              9 near Huwayjah, Iraq. “Najim’s re-        killed Dec. 26 in Mosul, Iraq. Hakim
terrorist attacks in Paris last month.    forces, and he was killed Dec. 7 near            moval disrupts ISIL’s ability to train,    was a veteran fighter and forgery
                                          Huwayjah, Iraq.                                  command and maintain fighters in           specialist who had links to the Paris
   The ISIL leaders were killed in co-                                                     Kirkuk province,” Warren said.             attack network, who also was part of
alition airstrikes that took place from      t "CV "OBT
 BO *4*- CPNC DFMM                                                     ISIL’s external operations group who
Dec. 7-27, he said, noting that several                                                                                               enabled attacks against Western tar-
were external attack planners linked                                                                                                  gets. “His death removes an important
to the Paris attacks.                                                                                                                 facilitator with many connections in
                                                                                                                                      Europe,” Warren said.
   ‘Striking at the head of the snake’
   “In addition to our tactical opera-                                                                                                   t5BTIJOBM)BZBMJ
tions, we are also striking at the head                                                                                               erations facilitator, was killed Dec. 27
of this snake by hunting down and                                                                                                     near Mosul, Iraq, Warren said.
killing ISIL leaders,” Warren said.


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