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8 January 8, 2016                              News                                                                                                                  BULLSEYE                                                                                                              

Pentagon says F-35 program on right track

By Mitch Shaw                                the program is ready for the expected        the next one scheduled to arrive in Janu-        Of the 45 jets delivered in 2015, the
                                             significant production ramp up,” Lt.         ary. Essary said the plan is for Hill AFB to  lion’s share has gone to the Air Force,
Hilltop Times correspondent                  Gen. Chris Bogdan, the F-35 program’s        continue to accept jets at a rate of one or   which has received 26 F-35As. The
                                             executive officer, said in a press release.  two each month until they receive their       Marine Corps received eight F-35Bs
   HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah —                                                            full allotment of 72.                         and the Marines and the Navy each
Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon’s              Lorraine Martin, Lockheed’s F-35                                                        accepted four F-35Cs, which can take
F-35 Joint Program Office say they’ve fin-   program general manager, said the 2015          By August 2016, the base hopes to have     off and land vertically from aircraft
ished delivering jets for 2015, increasing   deliveries were “a clear demonstration       15 jets in place in order to reach what       carriers.
their yield from last year by 25 percent.    of our growing maturity and stability.”      the Air Force calls “initial operational
                                                                                          capability,” which means Hill AFB has            DellaVedova said 154 operational F-
   Joe DellaVedova, a spokesman with            The performance boost represents          met the minimum goal to use the jets for      35s have been delivered to the Depart-
the F-35 office at the Pentagon, said 45 F-  good news for Hill Air Force Base, which     normal operations.                            ment of Defense and partner nations
35s were delivered, which met Lockheed       accepted its first two jets in September                                                   since the program’s inception. The fleet
and the program office’s delivery goal for   and will continue to count on a steady          On Dec. 11, Maj. Jayson Rickard, a re-     has more than 45,000 flight hours. The
the year and exceeded last year’s deliver-   income of fighters until 2019 to fill three  servist with the 466th Fighter Squadron,      multirole fighter will eventually replace
ies by nine jets.                            F-35 squadrons.                              flew the 100th F-35 sortie at Hill AFB        the Air Force’s entire fleet of F-16 Fight-
                                                                                          since the first combat aircraft arrived in    ing Falcons and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs.
   “Meeting aircraft production goals is a      Base spokesman Rich Essary said it        September.
critical stepping stone in demonstrating     has received a total five jets so far, with

MEDICAL, from page 6 _________               of the year, the AFMS provided valu-         Air Base, Germany; Al Udeid AB, Qatar;        Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Thomas W. Travis retired
                                             able assistance treating the wounded         and other locations for higher care.          after a distinguished career. As his last
at Lajes Field, in the Azores, who, with     and standing up the Afghan military’s                                                      official act he visited the 59th Medical
two friends, subdued a terrorist gun-        medical service.                                Throughout July, advisors with the         Wing, Wilford Hall Ambulatory Center
man onboard a train traveling through                                                     Train, Advise, Assist Command-Air             at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. On
northern France on August 21. Stone             The Craig Joint Theater Hospital at       provided weekly training to the Afghan        June 8, Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Mark A. Ediger
later provided medical aid to a fellow       Bagram Airfield treated both wounded         national army and Afghan air force to         was promoted as the 22nd Air Force
passenger.                                   and sick patients, boasting a 98 percent     further develop and grow their flight         surgeon general at the Defense Health
                                             survival rate. Critical Care Air Transport   medics’ capabilities.                         Headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia.
   Afghanistan                               Teams from the 455th Expeditionary                                                         He had been the deputy surgeon general
   While American forces continued to        Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron flew            Leadership                                 since July 2012.
retrograde from Afghanistan for most         wounded service members to Ramstein             It was a year of change for AFMS
                                                                                          leadership. Air Force Surgeon General

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