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BULLSEYE                                                                       News                                                           9January 8, 2016                                                                                                    

Mishaps increase in FY15 after historic safety year

By Darlene Y. Cowsert                              “Lessons learned 68 years ago are just as applicable today.”                             Force is one that’s just, fosters learning
                                                                                                                                            and reporting, and is flexible,” Mueller
Air Force Safety Center Public Affairs                                                         Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Mueller                  said. “That culture must be imparted
                                                                                                                                            to every new accession, and it must be
   KIRTLANDAIRFORCEBASE,N.M.—                         Ground fatalities also increased in fis-     Some mishaps result from circum-         protected.
Taking the reins of Air Force chief of             cal 2015. On-duty ground fatalities rose     stances beyond one’s control, the general
safety nearly six months ago, Maj. Gen.            from one in fiscal 2014 to four in fiscal    said, while a rising trend can underscore      “We have to protect our safety culture
Andrew M. Mueller took command on                  2015, while off-duty ground fatalities       an area that requires emphasis or a pro-    by guarding against normalization of
the heels of the safest year in Air Force          increased from 42 in fiscal 2014 to 47 in    cess change.                                deviations, for example, to the point that
manned aviation history.                           fiscal 2015.                                                                             future leaders don’t recognize the risk
                                                                                                   “There is no end-state for mishap        they are accepting and delegating to the
   Fiscal year 2014 ended with only seven             Fiscal 2015 aviation Class A total mis-   prevention,” Mueller said. “Regardless of   lowest levels.”
Class A mishaps, which produced a rate             haps were nearly identical to the 10-year    the number of mishaps over a period of
of 0.43 Class A’s per 100,000 flight hours         average of 18.5. On-duty ground fatalities   time, we remain focused on preventing          Most Airmen, from senior leaders
for manned aircraft. By comparison, there          were slightly above the 10-year average of   the next mishap. If we get it right, we’ll  to youngest recruits, understand the
were 19 Class A’s in fiscal 2015 with a rate       3.8, and off-duty fatalities were slightly   spend 95 percent of our safety efforts      value of safety, the general said, but
of 1.12 per 100,000 flight hours. Aviation         below the 10-year average of 49.4.           before a mishap.”                           leaders have to commit to providing the
mishaps resulted in fewer deaths with six                                                                                                   resources, training and tools they need,
in fiscal 2015, compared to 10 in fiscal              “A change in mishaps from one year           The general described his role as chief  and leaders should emphasize personal
2014.                                              to the next doesn’t mean we got it right     of safety as an enabler of a sustained      accountability to ensure every Airman,
                                                   one year and relaxed the next,” Mueller      safety-conscious culture across the Air     from top down, is compliant and uses
   “Lessons learned 68 years ago are just          said. “It’s important to look at trending    Force. That culture, he said, safeguards    risk management in every activity, every
as applicable today,” Mueller said. “We            data and see the larger picture rather       Airmen, protects resources and preserves    day, on and off duty.
learn from the experiences of each other           than focus only on changes from one          combat capability.
and that enables us to decrease our chanc-         year to the next.”                                                                          “Leadership involvement, focus on
es of repeating mistakes that impede safe                                                          “A sound safety culture across the Air   compliance and decision making at the
operations and increase our consistency                                                                                                     right level are all essential to a successful
in repeating sound practices.”                                                                                                              safety program,” he said.

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