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Vol. 66 No. 18
                                                                                                                                                                                             May 6, 2016

Goldfein nominated as 21st CSAF

By Sta Sgt. Alyssa C. Gibson                                                                                                                                                                                                                U.S. Air Force photo by Scott M. Ash

Secretary of the Air Force Public A airs                      Air Force Vice Chief of Sta Gen. David L. Goldfein thanks Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James during the Defense
                                                              Department’s announcement of his nomination as the Air Force’s 21st chief of sta at the Pentagon in Washington,
   WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Ash Carter an-              D.C., April 29.
nounced April 26 that the president has nominated Air
Force Vice Chief of Sta Gen. David L. Goldfein to be the
21st chief of sta of the Air Force, succeeding Gen. Mark
A. Welsh III, who has served in the position since 2012.

   “I’m extremely humbled by the nomination to serve as
the Air Force’s 21st chief of sta . If con rmed, I pledge
to serve our Airmen and their families unwaveringly and
honor our remarkable heritage and legacy of integrity,
service and excellence,” Goldfein said. “I also look forward
to joining my fellow service chiefs as a member of the Joint
Chiefs of Sta . General Mark and Betty Welsh continue
to be exceptional stewards of our service, and Dawn and
I are honored to follow in their footsteps.”

   Goldfein entered the Air Force in June 1983 as a gradu-
ate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He has been assigned
to numerous operational, command and sta positions.
He currently serves as the vice chief of sta , where he
presides over the Air Sta and serves as a member of the
Joint Chiefs of Sta Requirements Oversight Council and
Deputy Advisory Working Group.

   “I am pleased to support the nomination of General
David Goldfein as our next chief of sta ,” said Air Force
Secretary Deborah Lee James. “General Goldfein possess-
es the experience and vision needed to address dynamic
global challenges and increasing military demand. He
knows how to build and sustain key partnerships, has im-
__________________ See GOLDFEIN, on page 6

561st JTS rolls out AFTR

By Airman 1st Class Nathan Byrnes             research and development were only prep-     later as technology plays more of a vital    Tactics Readfile, a single-source active
                                              aration for the nal and decisive testing of  role in today’s warfare than it ever has in  noti cation system providing war ghters
99th Air Base Wing Public A airs              new systems in battle. Today, the kind and   the past. e success in future warfare        the latest tactics, test reports and timely
                                              quality of systems which a nation develops   con icts depends largely on how quickly      updates to war ghting doctrine.
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Lt.          can decide the battle in advance and make    and e ectively di erent technologies can
Col. Donald R. Baucom was quoted saying       the nal con ict a mere formality—or can      be implemented in the battle eld.               “AFTR is the Air Force’s single-source
in a 1981 Air University Review article: “It  bypass con ict altogether.”                                                               messaging to h generation Airmen about
may be said that warfare has acquired a                                                          e 561st Joint Tactics Squadron has
new phase—technological war. In the past,           is statement that rings true 35 years  developed and implemented the Air Force      ___________ See AFTR, on page 7

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