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                                                                                                       and Review
                                                                                                       and Review

                      Global Power Bomber CTF conducts

                      B-1B external captive carry demonstration

                                                                                                                                        Air Force photograph by Ethan Wagner
          A B-1B Lancer with a Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) flies in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Nov. 20, 2020. The flight was a demonstration of the B-1B’s external
          weapons carriage capabilities.

          by Giancarlo Casem                   sibly for the B-1B to carry hypersonic weapons   The captive carry flight was the culmination   hard point, so we are demonstrating that the B-1
          Edwards AFB, Calif.                  externally.                           of the numerous ground tests that began with last   has the capability to carry weapons and employ
                                                 “Adapting a small number of our healthi-  year’s expanded carriage demonstration that in-  them externally.”
           The B-1B Lancer’s expanded carriage capabili-  est B-1s to carry hypersonic weapons is vital to   cluded a modified internal bomb bay, which fea-  This extensive engineering review will help the
          ties comes one step closer to fruition following   bridge between the bomber force we have today,   tured a moveable bulkhead. The demonstration   Air Force understand areas where it needs to focus
          an external captive carry flight over the skies of   to the force of tomorrow,” said Gen. Tim Ray,   showcased a configuration of the B-1 that would   on to maintain the B-1B as a multi-mission weap-
          Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Nov. 20. 2020.  Air Force Global Strike Command commander.   allow the aircraft to carry larger-sized weapons   on system, potentially laying the groundwork for
           The flight featured a B -1B Lancer assigned to   “This is a major step forward in our global preci-  both internally and externally.  integration of future weapons on the aircraft.
          the 412th Test Wing’s 419th Flight Test Squad-  sion fires capability and it is important we pursue   “We’re essentially displaying our external   The B-1B was initially designed to incorpo-
          ron, Global Power Combined Test Force, and car-  these technologies to remain ahead of our com-  weapons carriage capability,” said Maj. Bret Cun-  rate a moveable bulkhead and usable external hard
          ried an inert Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile   petitors. My goal is to have a limited number of   ningham, a B-1B test pilot with the 419th FLTS.   points for its original nuclear mission, however
          under an external pylon for the first time.  B-1s modified to become the roving linebacker of   “We have a JASSM weapon on what is tradition-  the U.S. shifted the Lancer’s mission to conven-
           This demonstration may pave the way pos-  the western Pacific and the North Atlantic.  ally the targeting pod pylon on the forward right   See BOMBER, Page 2

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