Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, December 4, 2020
P. 6
Dec. 7, 1941: Japan launched an
attack against the naval base at Pearl
On this date ... Harbor in Hawaii just before 8 a.m.
Dec. 4, 1965: The attack led to the United States’
The United States formal entry into World War II the next
launched Gemini 7 day. Japan intended the attack as
with Air Force Lt. Col. a preventive action to keep the U.S. Pacific
Frank Borman and Fleet from interfering with its planned
Navy Cmdr. James military actions in Southeast Asia against
A. Lovell aboard on overseas territories of the United Kingdom,
a two-week mission. the Netherlands and the United States.
While Gemini 7 was Over the course of seven hours there
in orbit, its sister were also coordinated Japanese attacks
ship, Gemini 6A, was on the U.S.-held Philippines, Guam,
launched on Dec. and Wake Island and on the British
15 on a one-day Empire in Malaya, Singapore, and Hong
mission; the two Kong.
spacecraft were able
to rendezvous within
a foot of each other. Dec. 10,
1955: The
Ryan X-13
Dec. 6, 1963: Dec. 7, 1972: Apollo 17, (#54-
Maj. Robert the last manned mission 1619) was
W. Smith to the moon in the fitted with
zoomed a Apollo series, launched temporary
Lockheed with astronauts Eugene landing
NF-104A A. Cernan, commander, gear and
aerospace Ronald E. Evans, made its first
trainer to command module pilot, horizontal
an altitude and Harrison H. Schmitt, flight on
of 120,800 lunar module pilot, on Dec. 10,
feet, setting board. The mission 1955. Later,
an unofficial included three days it made full
record for on the lunar surface, horizontal
altitude. extended scientific to vertical
capability, and the attitude
use of the third Lunar conversions
Roving Vehicle. Cernan and back
and Schmitt landed on again at
the lunar surface, Evans altitude.
remained in lunar orbit.
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Aerotech News and Review
6 ........ December 4, 2020