Page 10 - Aerotech News and Review, December 4, 2020
P. 10

Employment Opportunities        Education                       (A) Go ask your mother.                                         SUNWEST
                                                                   (B) Because I said so.
     The best applicant            Join Us!                        (C) We’ll see.                                                  APARTMENTS
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     *****************************  384 Meetings                                                           2 bed/2 bath
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      or email: classifi eds@   Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30                                  Now it’s time to tackle your retirement savings
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                               Conference Room 414
        Cars & Trucks         Meeting Agendas Include:                                                  1127 E. Avenue J • Lancaster | 661-942-0182
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       Got a new ride?          Speech Evaluations                                                          Park Terrace aParTmenTs
        Selling a car?           For Information,
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        to place your ad          661-275-9201             happy to live with                               from   1150
         Aerotech News         Garage & Yard Sales
       or email: classifi eds@       PCSing? Or just got
                              Too much stuff???
        Announcements         ******************************
                             GARAGE/YARD SALE                                                              Good Credit & Rental References required
        DV VETS GROUP         Attract More Customers                                                    West Lancaster 661-948-1441
    Enjoy good company, good   With a Classified Ad!

      food, and new friends.     Call 877-247-9288
       Open to all Veterans   Aerotech News & Review                                                    Ask About our MilitAry Discounts
       and family members.          or email               Laurie Charette
        Mondays 8:00am             classifi eds@
        DV Youth Room            Consumer Mortgage Consultant
      Desert Vineyard Church                     
      1011 E Ave I, Lancaster     Real Estate              760-486-7300
            RSVP                                           NMLS ID #309026  All real estate advertised
       for more information  in this publication is subject
        call 661-728-7365    to the Federal Fair Housing
          DEADLINE           Act of 1968, which makes it                                                 We have your Storage Solution!
      for all classified ads is  illegal to advertise any                                                    Electronic Gate Access  Online Bill Pay & Auto Pay

       TUESDAY @ NOON          preference, limitation or                                                    Individual Door Alarms   Safe, Secure & Convenient
     the week of publication.  discrimination based on race                                                  Surveillance Cameras  Uhaul Rentals & Moving Supplies
                              color, religion, or national  Loans  subject  to  credit  and  collateral  approval.  Not  all  loan
           Services            origin, or an intention to  programs  are  available  in  all  states  for  all  loan  amounts.   CALL uS todAy!
                               make such preference     Restrictions may apply. Terms and conditions subject to change.
   AT&T Internet. Starting at $40/  limitation or discrimination.  ©2020 MUFG Union Bank, N.A. All rights reserved.   42738 4th Street East • Lancaster, CA
   month w/12-mo agmt. Includes   Real estate advertisements   Member FDIC. Union Bank is a registered trademark
    1 TB of data per month. Get   that are in violation of the law  and brand name of MUFG Union Bank, N.A.  661-952-7864 •
     More For Your High-Speed   shall not be accepted for
    Internet Thing. Ask us how to   publication. All dwellings
    bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc   advertised in this publication  NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALES
   restrictions apply. Call us today   are available on an equal  Business & Professional Code Section 21700-21707  NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALES
        1-888-415-0766.            opportunity                                                            Business & Professional Code Section 21700-21707
                                                       Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that a public
     DIRECTV NOW. No Satel-                            lien  sale  of  the  following  described  personal  property   Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that a public
    lite Needed. $40/month. 65                         will be held at the hours of 12 noon on the 16th day of   lien  sale  of  the  following  described  personal  property
    Channels. Stream Breaking                          December 2020 or thereafter. The auction is being held   will be held at the hours of 12 noon on the 16th day of
    News, Live Events, Sports &                        at by competitive bid.   December 2020 or thereafter. The auction is being held
    On Demand Titles. No Annual                           The property is stored by Nova Storage located    at by competitive bid.
     Contract. No Commitment.                                                                               The property is stored by Nova Storage located
      CALL 1-833-970-0413                                   825 W Avenue L12, Lancaster, CA 93534.          3305 E. Palmdale Blvd., Palmdale, CA 93550
   Two great new offers from AT&T                      The items to be sold are generally described as follows:
    Wireless! Ask how to get the                       Furniture, clothing, tools and or other household items   The items to be sold are generally described as follows:
   new iPhone 11 or Next Genera-                       stored by the following persons.                  Furniture, clothing, tools and or other household items
   tion Samsung Galaxy S10e ON                                                                           stored by the following persons.
    US with AT&T’s Buy one, Give                                    333  Jones, Eva mae
    One offer. While supplies last!                                 88   Lloyd, Jennifer                              G584  Ortiz, Margarita
      CALL 1-877-378-1175       Paying top dollar                   150  Herrera, Becky                               D261   Sanchez, Luis
    DIRECTV - Switch and Save!   for aircraft parts,                30   Wright, Bonnet                               D259   Franklin, Eric
    $49.99/month. Select All-In-                                    308 Calzada, Patricia                             D149    Turner, Gail
    cluded Package. 155 Chan-   helicopter parts,                                                                     E311    Albin, Craig
    nels. 1000s of Shows/Movies   Apollo, NASA,                     313  Wright, Bonnet
   On Demand. FREE Genie HD                                                                              Date:  November 30, 2020   Signed NOVA STORAGE
   DVR Upgrade. Premium movie    Space items.          Date:  November 30, 2020   Signed NOVA STORAGE    This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of
   channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call                      This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of   section 21700 et seq. of Business & Professional Code of
        1-844-805-6126         We pay cash. $$$
                                                       section 21700 et seq. of Business & Professional Code of   the Sate of California.
                              Call (818) 510-4707      the Sate of California.                           The  owner  reserves  the  right  to  bid  at  the  sale.  All
                                                       The  owner  reserves  the  right  to  bid  at  the  sale.  All   purchased goods are sold “As Is” and must be paid for
             A CFC participant.                        purchased goods are sold “As Is” and must be paid for   and removed at the time of sale. Sales subject to prior
       Provided as a public service.  or email         and removed at the time of sale. Sales subject to prior   cancellation in the event of settlement between owner
                                    sales@             cancellation in the event of settlement between owner   & obligated party.
                          & obligated party.                                Auctioneer: Nova Storage
                                                       Auctioneer: Nova Storage

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