Page 7 - Aerotech News and Review, December 4, 2020
P. 7

High Desert Hangar Stories
                              A veteran’s Christmas

                                 lesson of conquering

           despair and cultivating hope

          by Bob Alvis                                                he had known imprisonment, flogging,
          special to Aerotech News                                    shipwreck, starvation and more, but he
                                                                      then launched into a written celebra-
           David Read spent a couple of                               tion of the Incarnation that still echoes
          Christmases in a German POW camp                            in hearts and minds, even today.
          in Bavaria during World War II.                              Read recalled that even though
           As the camp’s pastor, he had a                             the conditions at the camp were de-
          tough job with morale and keeping                           plorable, they were at the time not
          hope alive amongst the prisoners. In                        in any special danger or deprivation
          1944, conditions were about as bad                          that Christmas. When he wrote that                                          Courtesy photograph
          as they had ever been and the hope-                         opening to his poem, he was thinking   American POWs in Germany; “It’s not hard to understand the love you have
          ful talk of “Home by Christmas” was                         of a fellow prisoner named Dietrich   for another kriegie (prisoner of war) when you were one yourself.”
          being replaced with the discouraging                        Bonhoeffer who, after months of trials
          words of “Let’s not celebrate Christ-                       and threats to his life, was in the hands   gathered on that 1944 Christmas Eve   life. His message of salvation to those
          mas this year.”                                             of the Gestapo awaiting the scaffold   — and no poem was necessary.  that came to hear him tell the Christ-
           While looking through a drawer                             which was being prepared for him.   May Christmas joy be real and radi-  mas story carried a special feeling,
          some years later, Read found a torn                         Read was inspired by the idea that he   ant for all of us — no matter what our   as he was qualified more than most,
          and crumpled piece of paper, where            Courtesy photograph  could not imagine Bonhoeffer writ-  circumstance is!  thanks to his war experience, to speak
          he had written the opening lines to   David  Read  was  a  Presbyterian   ing one letter from his prison, telling   David Read was part of the great-  to the real gift of salvation, the true
          a poem at that camp in the winter of   minister  and  camp  chaplain  at  a   his readers that this was no time for   est generation, and his story of caring   meaning of Christmas, and the prom-
          1944. As he read the words, it took   German POW camp in Bavaria during   Christmas celebrations. His letters   for the souls of men shows just how   ise of men of faith holding on to hope
          him right back to those desperate   World War II.           breathed a total confidence in his   amazing that generation was. When   when times were bleak.
          days when the men were desperately                          Savior.                       this story was playing out, he was   With that, I will just wish you all a
          short of food and increasingly aware                         Read felt that the conditions in the   on his second Christmas in a POW   heartfelt “Merry Christmas” and the
          (though they never spoke about it) that   concocted unbelievable imaginary   camp and the despair of all the prison-  camp. He did not know at the time   hopes for a Happy New Year, as we
          they were in the hands of an unpre-  Christmas puddings and feasts, Da-  ers should not be the thing that defined   that he still had months remaining as   face our own challenges here in 2020.
          dictable madman who was unlikely to   vid’s poem in response never got past   them. He pushed back, saying that the   a “guest” of the German army. Years   I just want to add that generations be-
          let them go home in peace, whether at   the second line. He wrote:  Gospel is no less true when circum-  later, when he would see a “come   fore faced greater challenges then we
          Christmas or any other time. And even                       stances are most terrible. He affirmed   home for Christmas” church invita-  have today and came out on the other
          though the sounds of Allied aircraft   “Let’s not celebrate    that if the men would soak themselves   tion, he would always rejoice in the   side with a new and fresh outlook on
          gave them hope for deliverance, they   Christmas this year”?  in that truth, they would never make   deeper meaning that can sustain us   life. We only need to look to them for
          wondered if the pilots knew the dif-  God, what a yelp      excuses for their lack of desire to   “even in the very worst of circum-  our inspiration today and never for-
          ference between a Nazi headquarters   from Christian men!   celebrate or accept any excuses their   stances.”           get it was their faith that carried them
          and a POW camp, and if they would                           fellow prisoners could come up with.   As a pastor, his experience on that   through.
          become victims of friendly fire.  The point of the poem was simple   David’s words to his fellow prisoners   cold Christmas in 1944 set him up for
           The cynics in the camps were doing   and worth dwelling on, no matter what
          their best to spread the despair. Read   the circumstances. David Read got to   were short and to the point when they   all the Christmases for the rest of his   Until next time, Bob out …
          had his work cut out for him to find a   thinking about Peter and Paul and the
          holiday message that would encour-  other apostles, writing of their con-
          age the men to carry on. The opening   fidence in the Gospel of Christ, but
          lines of his unfinished poem had been   suggesting that there were occasions
          the start of trying to find that message   when they should just give in to de-
          of hope.                      spair. Can we imagine any writer of an
           As the men’s new slogan of “Let’s   epistle to these first Christians saying
          not celebrate Christmas this year” cast   “I know you are going through a very
          the pall of a holiday with no carols,   rough time — so why not forget about
          no pageants, not even thoughts of   celebrating “The Incarnation?”  Paul
          astonishing recipes with which they   reminded his friends at Philippi that

                                                                                                                                                  Courtesy photograph
                                                                      When the journey came to an end and the despair was replaced with a new hope: The liberation of a German POW
                                                                      camp March 1945 and smiles replaced the pain.

                                                                                       “Let’s not celebrate Christmas this year?
                                                        Courtesy photograph
           A scene from the movie Stalag 17 of a Christmas celebration in one of “The
          Huts.”                                                                        God what a yelp from Christian men!”

                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
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