Page 10 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-7-15
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10 August 7, 2015                                  News                                                                                            BULLSEYE                                                                                            

AF launches MyVector, mentorship resources for Airmen                                        NAFB, from page 9 __________           Ide, 99th Force Support Squadron
                                                                                                                                    chief of Education and Training,
By Tech. Sgt. Torri Hendrix                        ing plan, discussion forums, a bullet     limit of $4,500 per fiscal year. De-   stated the first step is to always see a
                                                   tracker to document accomplishments,      gree programs or courses, academic     counselor and they can direct them
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Command  and the ability to dialogue online with   or technical, can be taken from two    to taking the correct steps.
                                                   your mentor. A resource page is also      or four year institutions on base or
Information                                        available to assist both parties with     off.                                      “Before becoming the chief of
                                                   mentoring questions and relationships.                                           Education and Training, I was a
   WASHINGTON — The Air Force                                                                   Fragoso added that Air Force        business owner who did most of
recently launched an improved and                     “Air Force mentoring fosters a cul-    Tuition Assistance is an important     the hiring,” said Ide. “I know from
re-branded Career Path Tool, called                ture of inclusion for all Airmen while    quality of life program that provides  the standpoint of a hiring official
MyVector, which encourages mentor-                 maximizing their strengths, and is        100% tuition and fees for courses      the importance of conveying your
ship between Airmen at all levels.                 aligned with the culture of the Air       taken by active duty personnel.        competency level for a job position
                                                   Force for mission accomplishment,”                                               during an interview.
   The first step in the success of My-            said Dr. Patricia McGill, the doctrine,      However, when using TA it is
Vector is for Airmen to volunteer to               institutional competencies and men-       important to remember there are           “One of the ways to show your
be mentors and share their experience              toring chief. “MyVector captures Air-     requirements to its usage. Members     competency is to point out your edu-
and expertise with other Airmen.                   men experiences within and across Air     must maintain a cumulative grade       cational accomplishments. Though
                                                   Force specialty codes and occupational    point average of 2.0 or higher on      many students may not know how
   “Mentoring and networking are two               series. Mentors will be able to provide   a 4.0 grading scale to continue to     important a degree is at the time
of the most important things for lead-             feedback on their mentees’ career pro-    receive TA. For graduate studies,      they are taking the courses, they will
ers to embrace,” said Secretary of the             gression.”                                members must maintain a GPA of         soon know once they hit the streets.
Air Force Deborah Lee James. “Men-                                                           3.0 or higher. Failure to maintain     A degree accomplishment is very
toring represents an investment -- one                Mentorship requires time, effort and   these requirements will result in      important and it pleases me when a
where we may not know the impact                   dedication. To assist with this process,  students having to pay for courses     student earns one.”
until many years later.”                           there is a “Mentoring Checklist” in       on their own until they get to the
                                                   Air Force Manual 36-2643, “Air Force      required GPA.                             The office offers many other edu-
   The reconfigured online platform                Mentoring Program,” which outlines                                               cational services such as the GI Bill,
supporting mentoring has a modern                  how to plan for the different mentor-        Airman can also utilize DANTES      commissioning, transition assistance,
look and feel. These new configura-                ing sessions.                             and CLEP testing. Successfully com-    reimbursement and collection for
tions support not only the traditional                                                       pleting the 90-minute DANTES or        failed courses, scholarships, financial
by-name request method of requesting                  “No matter your age, it’s important    CLEP tests can give Airmen college     aid and more.
a mentor, but also provide a mentor-               to help each other,” James said. “Seek    credit without having to take the
matching capability based on weighted              a mentor and be a mentor.”                test’s corresponding college course.      For more information about edu-
characteristics identified by the Air-                                                                                              cation assistance offered at Nellis Air
man searching for a mentor.                                                                     If an Airman feels they are pre-    Force Base, contact the education
                                                                                             pared to test out of a class, William  office at 702-652-5280.
   MyVector has a real-time mentor-

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