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BULLSEYE                                                            Creech Feature                                                                                                                                            5August 7, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                   

RPA prophecy fulfilled, oldest RPA squadron celebrates 20 years

By Tech. Sgt. Nadine Y. Barclay                                                                                                                                       U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Adarius Petty  to Vietnam, we are at the beginning of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           revolution, it’s exciting and Creech AFB
432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing                             On July 29, 1995, the 11th RS was activated at the then Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary                                                             is the home of this revolution.”
                                                                    Field, Nev., as the Air Force’s first dedicated remotely piloted aircraft unit when it assumed
Public Affairs                                                      operational control of the medium altitude, long endurance RQ-1 Predator aircraft. Today,                                                                 Since then it was also the 11th Recon-
                                                                    the 11th RS is responsible for conducting all MQ-1 Predator aircrew initial qualifications                                                             naissance Squadron for fighter aircraft
   CREECH AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.                                      training, as well as operator upgrade training, and trains an average of 360 Airmen annually.                                                          and the 11th Tactical Reconnaissance
— By the end of World War II endless                                                                                                                                                                                       Squadron where it joined the 432nd
possibilities were brought to one man’s                                Since conducting the first flight of        The 11th RS can trace its lineage                                                                       Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, which
prophecy that would set the stage for                               the Predator on Dec. 13, 1996, the 11th     back 73 years to the activation of the                                                                     would later become the 432nd Wing at
modern day of aviation.                                             RS has seen many firsts, to include: the    11th Observation Squadron on March                                                                         Creech AFB. 
                                                                    first successful deployment of a Hellfire   2, 1942 by the U.S. Army Air Forces at
   Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold made a                                missile, the first lost aircraft during     Wheeler-Sack Field, New York.                                                                                 The mission on the 11th RS is to in-
startling prediction: “We have just won                             an engagement between an RPA and                                                                                                                       still the Airmanship required to make
a war with a lot of heroes flying around                            a manned aircraft while enforcing the          “We’ve only scratched the surface with                                                                  critical decisions in unforgiving phases
in planes. The next war may be fought                               No Fly Zone in Iraq, and the relinquish-    RPAs,” said James Clark, Intelligence,                                                                     of flight enabling remotely piloted air-
by airplanes with no men in them at all.”                           ment of its direct combat support role      Surveillance and Reconnaissance In-                                                                        power for the joint force commanders
                                                                    to become the Air Force’s first Predator    novation director. “So from World War                                                                      at any time and place across the globe.
   Although the bold vision of pilotless                            formal training unit.                       I RPAs to World War II to Desert Storm
aircraft fighting America’s wars was                                                                                                                                                                                          “What we do here every day is vital
premature, Arnold’s prophecy is coming                                 Today the 11th RS is responsible         Senior Airman Shantae, 11th                                                                                to the mission downrange,” said Col.
true as the 11th Reconnaissance Squad-                              for conducting all MQ-1 Predator and        Reconnaissance Squadron sensor                                                                             Case Cunningham, 432nd Wing/432nd
ron at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada,                               the MQ-9 Reaper aircrew launch and          operator, flies a simulated mission                                                                        Air Expeditionary Wing commander.
celebrates its 20th anniversary flying                              recovery initial qualifications training,   as part of her launch and recovery                                                                         “Today is a great day as we celebrate 20
remotely piloted aircraft.                                          as well as operator upgrade training,       training, June 22 at Creech Air Force                                                                      years of making history and you and
                                                                    and trains an average of 360 Airmen         Base, Nev. On July 29, 1995, the                                                                           your Airmen should be proud.”
   On July 29, 1995, the 11th RS was                                annually.                                   11th RS was activated at the then
activated at the then Indian Springs Air                                                                        Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary                                                                            Although decades have passed since
Force Auxiliary Field, Nevada, as the Air                              “What I have learned to do here is       Field, Nev., as the Air Force’s first                                                                      Arnold’s initial prediction, his words
Force’s first dedicated RPA unit when                               important to me because you can’t put       dedicated remotely piloted aircraft                                                                        still ring true as the Airmen of the RPA
it assumed operational control of the                               a price tag on saving a life,” said Senior  unit when it assumed operational                                                                           enterprise continue to make unprec-
medium altitude, long endurance RQ-1                                Airman Shantae, 11th RS instructor          control of RQ-1 Predator aircraft. On                                                                      edented strides in modern day aviation.
Predator aircraft.                                                  sensor operator.                            July 29, the 11th RS celebrated the
                                                                                                                20th anniversary of its activation.                                                                           “Take everything you’ve learned
   “I am very proud of my Airmen,” said                                “This is a highly demanding job that                                                                                                                about aviation in war, throw it out of the
Lt. Col. Leland Cowie, 11th RS command-                             requires a lot of professionalism. People                                                                                                              window, and let’s go to work on tomor-
er. “Both those conducting our critical                             depend on you, lives depend on you.”                                                                                                                   row’s aviation,” said Arnold. “It will be
mission in garrison and those currently                                                                                                                                                                                    different from anything the world has
deployed in harm’s way flying RPAs.”                                                                                                                                                                                       ever seen.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Nadine Barclay

                 U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Nadine Barclay                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Courtesy photo

On July 29, 1995, the 11th RS was activated                         On Jan. 28, 2010, an RQ-1 Predator assigned to the 11th Reconnaissance Squadron takes off from Muniz, Puerto Rico, enroute to provide
at the then Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary                      over watch during Operation Unified Response, the humanitarian response to a catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. The 11th RS celebrated
Field, Nev., as the Air Force’s first dedicated                     the 20th anniversary of its activation at Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field now Creech Air Force Base, Nev., July 29, 2015, as the
remotely piloted aircraft unit when it                              U.S. Air Force’s first Predator remotely piloted aircraft squadron.
assumed operational control of the medium
altitude, long endurance RQ-1 Predator
aircraft. Today, the 11th RS is responsible for
conducting all MQ-1 Predator aircrew initial
qualifications training, as well as operator
upgrade training, and trains an average of
360 Airmen annually.
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