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BULLSEYE                                        Feature                                                                                                                                                             7August 7, 2015                                                                                                                                                                         

Retired CMSgt, GS employee retires after 52 years

By Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle                                                                                                                                                           Courtesy photograph  ogy, because the university had supply chain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 management and executive programs.
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs               Chief Master Sgt. John Malone, right, retires after serving 26 years on active duty at a
                                                ceremony held on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., in 1990. Malone served a combined 52 years                                                                            “I went back and got my certificates,” said
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —                on active duty and in civilian service.                                                                                                                          Malone. “The education I had always been
The year is 1963, U.S. President John F.                                                                                                                                                                         dreaming of had finally become a reality.
Kennedy signs a law for equal pay for           true, because in my heart I wanted to go to     second chapter of his life, working toward                                                                       Not only college, but having the opportunity
equal work for men and women, Martin            Aviano AB in Italy. I took my family with       checking off a goal he set back in 1963.                                                                         to attend Penn State University.”
Luther King Jr. delivers his famous “I          me and spent five wonderful years there. My
have a dream” speech while addressing           youngest daughter, Keara, was born there.”         “When the opportunity came to enter                                                                              Throughout his time on active duty and
a civil rights march at Lincoln Memorial                                                        civil service, I just took it. There was no                                                                      in civilian service, Malone accrued numer-
in Washington, D.C., and The Beatles               After five years in Italy, the Air Force     doubt,” said Malone. “You could say I could                                                                      ous awards through his hard work and
released their first single in the U.S.         called Malone back to the United States, this   make more money at other places, but you                                                                         dedication. He was selected by Air Combat
                                                time bound for Cannon AFB, New Mexico.          have to really enjoy what you’re doing. I                                                                        Command as the Logistics Readiness Senior
   This was also the year that John                                                             came into civil service in July of 1990 as the                                                                   Civilian Manager of the Year four times, Air
Malone enlisted in the U.S. Air Force              “When I was at Cannon AFB I was in-          deputy chief of supply for the TTR.”                                                                             Force Association Outstanding AF Civilian
from his hometown of Pittsburgh, right          volved in many community organizations,                                                                                                                          Program Manager of the Year in 2008 and
after high school. Malone went on to            such as head soccer coach for the city, being      In May 1994, Malone was selected to be                                                                        the Air Force Logistics Readiness Senior
serve the Air Force, as a military member       an Eagle Scout, I was involved as a Boy Scout   the deputy chief of supply for Nellis AFB.                                                                       Civilian Manager of the Year in 2012.
and civilian, for a combined 52 years.          leader, parish council, as well as a leader in  The year 2003 saw the start of merging
                                                the base top three,” said Malone. “In Febru-    transportation, supply and logistics into                                                                           After retiring from civilian service as a
   “I enlisted because I wanted to go to        ary 1981, I was interviewed and selected for    logistics readiness squadrons.                                                                                   99th Logistics Readiness Squadron logistics
college after finishing high school,” said      a classified assignment in Las Vegas. I had                                                                                                                      manager on July 20, 2015, Malone is look-
Malone. “Also, at that age I just knew          been given 24 hours to make a decision to          “In 2007, the Air Force sent a team                                                                           ing forward to starting the third chapter in
that I wanted to eventually get into the        accept or decline.”                             of members to Joint-Base San Antonio-                                                                            his life in Garnett, Kansas, enjoying family,
civilian service as well. My vision was to                                                      Randolph, Texas to help determine how                                                                            friends and travel while he is still healthy
serve 20 years in the military and then            Malone added that, “They never told me       LRS would function and how the different                                                                         and able. In 2017, Malone and his wife are
go into the civilian service.”                  anything about the assignment and I had         flights would break out and function,” said                                                                      looking forward and planning a trip with
                                                to go home that evening and talk it over        Malone. “It was nice to be a member of that                                                                      their children Michelle, Shawn, and Keara
   Upon entering active duty, the city boy      with my wife. I said ‘Hun, we can stay here     team and make an early footprint in the LRS                                                                      to Ireland to celebrate their 50th wedding
from Pittsburgh was assigned to Forbes          because this is a great family town and it      formation.”                                                                                                      anniversary.
Air Force Base, Kansas — which is closed        would be a great place to retire.’ I had all
now — as his first assignment.                  these things going for me here and I was           For the 99th LRS, some highlights of                                                                             “I am blessed to have a wonderful wife
                                                happy. The Air Force said ‘We wanted you        direct program involvement in establishing                                                                       and family and they were very much a
   “The first thing I thought about was         and you’ll definitely make chief.’ So after a   logistics support included working with the                                                                      part in making my career successful,” said
that it’s 1963, the TV is on and lots of        whole night of contemplating, I told them       F-22 Raptor, the 64th and 65th Aggressors                                                                        Malone.
western movies were featuring cow-              yes and the rest was history.”                  squadrons, the F-35A Lightning II, and
boys and Indians in the Oklahoma and                                                            MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper.                                                                                      Before he departs, Malone had some
Kansas region,” said Malone. “When I               During his time at a Data Masked as-                                                                                                                          words of wisdom for younger Airmen and
got this assignment, I had never been           signment, Malone was responsible for               “What we’re really here for is for the                                                                        his civilian counterparts navigating their
outside of the Pittsburgh area and for          establishing the logistics supply support for   rubber meeting the ramp and to ensure the                                                                        way through the Air Force.
me this was a real eye opener. Everyone         the F-117 Nighthawk, to include designing       fighter pilots get the combat training. Some
was friendly and that is where I met my         and implementing the supply system for          ways LRS has done that is by ensuring that                                                                          “Enjoy it while you can because 52 years
beautiful bride-to-be in Topeka, Kansas         Tonopah Test Range.                             the aircrafts get fuel, parts and equipment                                                                      goes by awfully fast,” said Malone. “Next
through a catholic youth organization.”                                                         is provided on time and on target, and solid                                                                     thing you know, you’ll look back and won-
                                                   “I had a hand in the early design, con-      logistics plans are in place,” said Malone.                                                                      der where all the time went. Take the good
   Eventually, Malone and his fiancée,          struction of the F-117 logistics systems.       “Our young Airmen and civilian force in the                                                                      out of an assignment and create memories.
Joyce, got engaged, and shortly after he        It was an exciting thing to be a part of,”      LRS have done an outstanding job in com-                                                                         The friends that you make in the military, if
received orders to the Philippines for 18       said Malone. “It was a pleasure and honor       ing together in supporting our war fighters                                                                      they’re true friends, I don’t think you’ll ever
months.                                         to work with the ‘best of the best’ in the      at Nellis AFB and Creech AFB.”                                                                                   lose them. They will be there.”
                                                development of a premier weapon system.”
   “Every day while I was there, Joyce wrote                                                       Malone realized his dream of further-                                                                            He also encourages young Airmen that
me a letter and she numbered every one of          When the F-117 moved to Holloman             ing his education when he graduated from                                                                         no matter what career field you are in, do
them so that way I could tell if I received     AFB, New Mexico, Malone opted not to ac-        University of Nevada-Las Vegas. He also                                                                          the best you can while you’re there, even if
them out of order,” said Malone. “It kept       company it. In July 1990, Chief Master Sgt.     attended Pennsylvania State University                                                                           you are getting out in four years.
our romance alive during that time in the       Malone retired after 26 years and started the   through the Air Force Institute of Technol-
military. When I came back in 1967, we got                                                                                                                                                                          “My mom and dad have passed and are
married after being engaged for 18 months.”                                                                                                                                                                      not here for me to say ‘hey look what I did,’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 but in my heart I know they are proud,” said
   Shortly after that, the next stop in                                                                                                                                                                          Malone. “You have to find a balance in your
Malone’s career landed him at Norton Air                                                                                                                                                                         life. Make up the difference when you’re
Force Base AFB in sunny San Bernardino,                                                                                                                                                                          taking from you’re family to give to the Air
California. Today Norton AFB is a Guard                                                                                                                                                                          Force. You have to find ways to give back to
base, but he still has fond memories.                                                                                                                                                                            your family because that’s one of the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 things you can have. I have to say to my Air
   “My wife and I enjoyed all that southern                                                                                                                                                                      Force family, thank you for an exciting and
California had to offer; the zoo, beaches and                                                                                                                                                                    wonderful ride.”
Disney Land,” said Malone. “Then in March
1969 I got assigned to Phu Cat Air Base in                                                                                                                                                                          After more than 25 years of service at
the Republic of Vietnam. Everyone had to                                                                                                                                                                         Nellis AFB, Malone is going to be missed by
do some time in Vietnam back then.”                                                                                                                                                                              the people who knew and worked with him.

   After serving a year at Phu Cat AB,                                                                                                                                                                              Malone’s longtime friend Joseph Diro-
Malone was allowed to choose a follow-                                                                                                                                                                           sario, 99th Mission Support Group deputy
on assignment. He elected to return to                                                                                                                                                                           director of installation support said, “He’s
Forbes AFB in Kansas.                                                                                                                                                                                            a great friend and teammate, who is very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 knowledgeable and always willing to help.
   “I was there from 1971 to 1973 and as-                                                                                                                                                                        It’s been a joy working with him and I’m
sisted in the base closure,” said Malone. “Af-                                                                                                                                                                   going to miss him. He’s been a great asset
ter that, I updated my dream sheet because                                                                                                                                                                       to Nellis AFB over many years.”
I wanted to go to Europe. My wish came
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