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Thunderbolt                                                                               NEWS                                                                                                   Oct. 16, 2015                        9                                                                                                                                         

                                                       SEJPME program Sept. 1, 2015.                                 ÀUVWVHUJHDQWWREHJLQWKHSURFHVV7RGDWH women’s health services that may include
                                                          As a phased transition, JKO updated and                    39 command sponsored dependents have a Pap test, pelvic and breast exam, and
 PEOPLE                                                                                                              used the AVD program.                               mammogram at no cost.
   FIRST                                               enhanced the legacy course and began offer-
                                                       ing it on JKO in May 2015 as a web-based              
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is        course including 11 modules, comprising                          Article/622404/authorized-voluntary-departure-     Article/622016/womens-health-take-time-to-get-
compiled from information from the Air Force           more than 40 hours of multi-media, inter-                         for-incirlik-dependents-extended-30-days.aspx
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-             active, online instruction. The SEJPME                                                                                                                           checked.aspx
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness             course prepares senior enlisted leaders as-                   Women’s health: Take
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel       signed to joint organizations (or those with                  time to get checked                                 $)DQQRXQFHVVTXDGURQ
RIÀFH DQG DUPHG IRUFHV QHZV VHUYLFHV )RU WKH  orders to joint organizations) to successfully                                                                    commander candidates
complete story, go to the web address listed at        support activities and supervise multiple                        Each October during Breast Cancer
the end of the story.                                  service members.                                              Awareness Month, women are reminded                    0RUH WKDQ  RIÀFHUV IURP  FDUHHU
                                                                                                                     WRSXWWKHPVHOYHVÀUVWDQGPDNHWLPHIRU           ÀHOGVZHUHVHOHFWHGE\GHYHORSPHQWWHDPV
6(-30(SURJUDPFRPSOHWHV                                   their health. Making health a priority helps        as 2016 support, logistics, materiel leader,
transition to Joint Staff J-7                           Article/621901/sejpme-program-completes-tran-                people stay in optimum shape and keeps              training, recruiting and medical com-
                                                                                                                     illnesses and disease at bay.                       mander candidates.
   The Joint Staff J-7 Joint Knowledge                                               sition-to-joint-staff-j-7.aspx
Online Division in Suffolk, Virginia, has                                                                               Women often put their families’ needs               “This is a highly competitive selection
assumed responsibility for the Senior En-              9ROXQWDU\GHSDUWXUHIRU,QFLUOLN                              ahead of their own, ignoring minor symp-            process,” said Joseph Marchino, Air Force
listed Joint Professional Military Education           GHSHQGHQWVH[WHQGHGGD\V                                   toms year after year until they affect their        Personnel Center assignment officer.
program, capping a year-long transition                                                                              health. Using preventive care is one of the         “Development teams carefully reviewed
from the National Defense University.                     On Oct. 2, the authorized voluntary de-                    best ways to stay healthy.                          DOO DVSHFWV RI RIÀFHUV· UHFRUGV GXW\ KLV-
                                                       parture for dependents of those assigned to                                                                       tory, demonstrated leadership ability,
   The Joint Staff J-7, director for Joint             Incirlik Air Base or living in the surround-                     Each year, women should get a well-wom-          professional development and permanent
Force Development, outlined directives for             ing area, including the city of Adana, was                    an exam. Typically during the exam, blood           change of station eligibility in identifying
the SEJPME program in response to the                  extended for 30 additional days.                              pressure is checked and women should                WKHPRVWTXDOLÀHGFDQGLGDWHVDYDLODEOHIRU
Enlisted Military Education Review Coun-                                                                             talk to their health care provider about            command.”
cil recommendation to revise the SEJPME                   The extension was approved by the depu-                    what other screenings, immunizations or
program to encompass two stages; one for               ty secretary of defense to continue ensuring                  family planning they might need based on               )RU PRUH VSHFLÀF FDUHHU ÀHOG UHTXLUH-
the E6/E7 community and another for the                the safety and security of dependents. The                    their age, health habits, and family and            PHQWVRIÀFHUVVKRXOGUHIHUWRWKHDSSURSUL-
E8/E9 community.                                       departure window now closes Nov 2.                            medical history.                                    DWHFDUHHUÀHOGSDJHRQWKHP\3HUVZHEVLWH

   Effective September 2014, the Joint Staff              Dependents may choose to depart at any                        The American Cancer Society recom-                  “Selected candidates have demonstrated
J-7 JKO Division assumed responsibility                time during the departure window, but                         mends all women should begin cervical               traits essential for leading Airman to day-
from NDU for developing the next genera-               will not be allowed to return to Incirlik AB                  cancer screening at age 21. Women from              to-day operational success,” Marchino said.
tion, two-stage SEJPME program, and took               until the authorized voluntary departure                      ages 21 to 29, should have a Pap test               “Additionally, squadron commanders are
full responsibility for administering the              has ended. It is important to note that the                   every three years. Thanks to the Patient            the best positioned to recognize and develop
                                                       departure window can continuously be                          Protection and Affordable Care Act, most            the talents and skills of their personnel for
                                                       extended in 30 day increments, up to 180                      private health plans must cover this and            future leadership opportunities.”
                                                       days, based on the security environment.                      other preventive care services at no cost.
                                                                                                                     TRICARE also covers annual preventive       
                                                          Families that are considering participat-                                                                            Article/621986/af-announces-squadron-com-
                                                       ing in the AVD should contact their unit’s                                                                                                         mander-candidates.aspx

SOUND                                                  “Staying con-                                                 “The people                    “Seeing the                               “Working under
 OFF!                                                  stantly busy.”                                                and different                  different jobs                            the microscope
                                                                                                                     cultures that                  around base                               WHVWLQJIRUGH¿-
                                                                                                                     come through                   and how they                              ciencies.”
                                                                                                                     the door.”                     contribute to
                                                                                                                                                    the mission.”

What’s one thing you

like about your job?       Civilian                                     Civilian                                                    Senior Airman                        Senior Airman
          Why?             SHERYL HAWKINGS                              SHANNON FAYLE                                               DEVANTE WILLIAMS                     TIM CHAO
                                                                                                                                    56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     56th Medical Support Squadron

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                           Service Times:                                                        PHONE: 623.271.9005                                                                          Stay Smart
                           Sunday:                                                                 FAX: 623.271.9808
Phone: 623-486-9007        Prayer                       7:30 am         BY CHOICE HOTELS
Fax: 623-486-0246          Worship Service              8:00 am                   Sunday School                9:45 am                                                                                     9310 W Cabela Drive | Glendale, AZ 85305  For Reservations call (888) 465-4329       Worship Service             11:15 am                            Just 7 miles from Luke AFB
                           Wednesday:                                                     Ask for the “Luke AFB Rate”
                           Prayer                       6:30 pm
                           Bible Study                  7:00 pm
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