Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-16-15
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Oct. 16, 2015 News Thunderbolt
Be Your Child’s Best Advocate!
Food Court, Express
Learn all you need to know about
promote healthy eating the new AZ Merit testing.
The Army & Air Force Exchange 100 percent all-white meat chicken 6:15pm-6:30pm Refreshments & Seating
Service is making it easier for ser- breast and fresh deli meats. 6:30pm-7:30pm AZ Merit Presentation
vice members and their families to
slim their waistlines while dining Subway is also taking wellness Teresa Heatherly, Director of Curriculum,
or grabbing a snack on base. The to heart by offering a heart-healthy Instruction, and Assessment,
Luke Air Force Base Exchange menu that includes meals with and
Food Court and Express locations fewer than 700 calories and no
are stocked with healthy options for more than 30 percent being from Dr. Steve Poling, Assistant Superintendent of
smart choices on the go. fat. Subway is the first restaurant (GXFDWLRQ'\VDUW8QLÀHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW
to receive the American Heart as-
“In addition to exercise, proper sociation Heart Check. Dysart Education Center
nutrition plays a major role in main- Governing Board Room
taining fitness,” said Aileen Riven- For customers who need to grab 15802 N. Parkview Place
burg, Exchange general manager. a quick bite, the Express offers
“The Luke Exchange is doing its good-for-you choices for on-the-go Surprize, AZ 85374
part to ensure Airmen are mission- snacking and light meals. Snack
ready in body, mind and spirit.” Avenue is a special area inside
Express stores specifically geared
Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen offers to customers looking for a quick
a live-well menu featuring more healthy meal or snack. They re-
than 20 items with less than 350 cently added several new items to
calories. The blackened chicken Snack Avenue including Fiji water,
entrée salad is exclusive to the Ex- bottled smoothies, juices and hard-
change at only 300 calories, while boiled eggs.
a chicken and sausage jambalaya
is just 220 calories. “Good dietary habits greatly en-
hance our service members’ ability
When dining at Charley’s Grilled to perform at their maximum po-
Subs, military shoppers will find a tential” Rivenburg said. “It’s about
variety of items with 150 calories or making good choices, and the Luke
less, including grilled chicken, steak AFB Exchange is providing custom-
and garden salads. Charley uses ers those choices.”
100 percent USDA choice steak,
Courtesy of AAFES
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