Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-16-15
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Thunderbolt             NEWS                                                                        Oct. 16, 2015

                        AIRMAN  (from Page 1)                               where he met his supervisor, who was al-
                                                                            ready familiar with Cherry’s work ethic.
                        all the free services it offers,” Cherry said.
                        “Finding out I had won the award was very              “I met him when I was on a temporary
                        humbling, and I was proud of the team that          duty assignment to cross train into public
                        helped set me up for success. First and fore-       health,” said Staff Sgt. Joseph Treharne,
                        most I did the best I could at my job.”             56th AMDS occupational health NCO in
                                                                            charge. “I knew right away he was going
                           Cherry validated more than 3,000 medical         to be a stellar Airman. He stood out from
                        requirements for 406 deployers with zero            the rest of the class. He won sharp Airman
                        discrepancies in support of the Ebola crisis        awards and was a distinguished graduate
                        in Africa. Cherry led the reintegration of 360      in technical school.”
                        redeployers, coordinating a multiagency pro-
                        cess into a one-stop shop that saved 2,000 man         In addition to the many accomplishments
                        hours and returned Airmen to their families         in his career, Cherry also earned his Com-
                        sooner while upholding all Defense Depart-          munity College of the Air Force degree in
                        ment medical requirements. He accomplished          public health technology, an associate de-
                        these things while serving as a member of the       gree in kinesiology at St. Philip’s College,
                        Ramstein Air Base Honor Guard.                      Texas, a bachelor’s degree in exercise sports
                                                                            and science at Texas State University, and
                           Cherry works on hearing conservation,            is on his way to meet his goal of earning a
                        which includes personal protective equip-           master’s degree.
                        ment and pregnancy profiles. Along with
                        his job and honor guard, Cherry has been               “I’ve never met anyone with such a hard-
                        a part of Rising Four in Ramstein, which is         work ethic,” Treharne said. “It’s truly a
                        similar to the LEAD Council here at Luke.           privilege to be able to work with and super-
                                                                            vise him.”
                           Cherry moved to Luke in August 2015,

                        GOALS   (from Page 2)                                  Rather than letting the naysayers drag you
                                                                            down, use them to fuel your desire.
                           Trust yourself
                           This enables our Airmen to believe in               Work your butt off
                        themselves and work in confidence.                     Hard work breeds success.
                           Break some rules                                    Give something back
                           To be clear, this does not mean break the law       This restarts the cycle to poise the following
                        but rather break some paradigms.                    generation for success.
                           Don’t be afraid to fail                             Every leader possess the ability to aide our
                           1RRQHZLOOJHWHYHU\WKLQJULJKWWKHÀUVWWLPH  Airmen in achieving their dreams. What we
                           Ignore the naysayers                             are willing to invest in them is what we can
                                                                            expect from them.

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