Page 14 - Pastiche 6
P. 14

Karen Atkins

                                Montville Art Gallery

                                                                                 Horses are a subject she returns to over
                                                                                 and over, a profound love in her life,
                                                                                 symbolic of freedom and power, and a
                                                                                 link to her Scandinavian heritage and the
                                                                                 horses of Norse myths.

                                                                                 Karen’s pugs have been constant com-
                                                                                 panions throughout her life, and appear
                                                                                 in her paintings regularly, always happy
                                                                                 to model and pose. Their absolute loyal-
                                                                                 ty, tragic faces, and clownish behaviour
                                                                                 make them irresistible subjects.

                                                                                 Many paintings begin with
                                                                                 a fragmentary image that
       Karen lives in a crooked cottage on   Victoria, a land of huge clear blue skies   lodges in Karen’s mind.
       Sydney’s North Shore where her studio   and endless expanses of flat red soil.   She will often wake in the
       overlooks parklands dotted with the   The soundtrack of her life then was   morning with a remnant of a
       headstones of Sydney’s early settlers.   sheep, birdsong, sheepdogs, cattle,   dream that demands paint-
       Amidst an array of random curios     the whinny of horses, distant rumbles   ing, and so she will begin,
       amassed because they are interesting,   of headers and tractors and the wind   weaving threads of love,
       and accompanied by her pug Bronte,   singing through the she-oaks.        loss, strangeness and won-
       she paints worlds that explore connec-                                    der that she has gathered
       tions and disconnections.            She has painted obsessively her entire   over time.
                                            life, filling sketchbooks with great me-
       Karen’s narratives are profoundly    nageries of animals.  Some paintings be-  Karen’s paintings are shown permanently
       personal, yet invoke universal themes of   gin as landscapes of places she knows   at Montville Art Gallery, 138 Main Street,
       feelings and experiences.            well that have an emotional resonance,   Montville, and are also shown on the
                                            and she uses these as ‘theatres’ for   gallery website:
       Prior to living in Sydney, Karen lived   her characters to tell their stories. Every
       on an isolated farm in North Western   aspect of Karen’s paintings has symbolic
                                            meaning for her.
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