Page 9 - Pastiche 6
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The Sculpture of Life
By Bobbie Richardson
Driving Macca Macca’s Art
Large-scale iconic sculptures run Macca creates very large stone
through the veins of this man. Chris sculptures aimed at businesses seeking
McKenzie or ‘Macca’ realises his passion to invest in the arts. He creates unique
as an artist by living in the moment. monuments that he is able to imbue with
the essence, beauty and energy of the
Macca had a yearning to draw from a world around him, while still producing
very young age. In those days a grandfa- very high quality pieces that will with-
ther would give a child a knife to whittle stand weather and time.
wood and learn the ways of handling
sharp objects. For Macca those begin- Macca would like to see the Australian
nings would shape his choice of tools of government philanthropy and corporate
trade for the future. He was moved and sector supporting artists to create large
inspired by other Indigenous artists who scale artworks as is the case in Europe,
were able to express raw simplicity in Asia and the United Sates, as this would
their work. Large scale classical Roman raise the profile of this type of work.
and Greek paintings and monumental But he also recognises the need for
sculpture excited him the most. Australian artists to step up and become
more professional in order to be taken
Life lessons more seriously by the business world. He
is a strong advocate of the notion ‘think
globally, act locally’.
Macca lists his many professions as
sculptor, painter, teacher, boxer, and Ex- The crazy side
ecutive Director of The National Save the
Bilby Foundation (self appointed, he says
with a chuckle). But he sees his greatest As we chat in the local pub I’m moved
achievement as discovering the art of by Macca’s humility, and I also observe
creating his own life. Learning self-love threads of commonality with other artists
and how to live in the moment has who operate from that ‘other’ dimension,
helped him drive away old demons. His somewhere on the edge of reality. He
key life lessons are about giving thanks, confides he can sometimes come across
praising others, and creating instead of as a little ‘out there’, as he plays with and
criticising, complaining and destroying. challenges social conformities. But this
Hard work and endurance, and never edgy personality is what our logical so-
shying away from a challenge are also ciety needs to push the limits and make
keys to his success. the changes needed, if we humans are
to evolve beyond past social limits.
In living by these principles Macca has
found himself becoming a teacher, After all you’ve achieved,
helping to shape other peoples’ lives, in what drives you now,
the same way as he sculpts the stone
and rock of his artwork. He uses his Macca?
life lessons to support young people
and help them to realise their creative Enjoying life and having the courage to
potential. Macca has incorporated these find that joy within, instead of seeking it
lessons into a system called ‘The Five in other things, other people and other
Creative Acts’, which is sought after by places. Seeking enjoyment in the now!
companies wanting to develop their