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Sunshine Coast Libraries’

          Story seat brings the magic of children’s literature to Pioneer Park

       Families and children have even more   and positive way of encouraging parents   sively across the region in the following
       reason to visit Pioneer Park at Landsbor-  and caregivers to play a proactive role   parks:
       ough with the launch of Sunshine Coast   in the development of their child’s early
       Council’s inaugural First 5 Forever Story   literacy skills,” Cr Baberowski said.  • Pioneer Park Landsborough
       seat featuring artwork from the popular
       children’s book I’m a Dirty Dinosaur.  Community Portfolio Councillor Jenny

                                            McKay said Sunshine Coast Libraries   • Nelson Park, Alexandra Headland
       A fun, rollicking rhyming story from   had been granted $1 million over four
       award-winning author Janeen Brian and   years by the Queensland Government to   • Power Memorial Park, Mudjimba
       award-winning illustrator Ann James,   implement the First 5 Forever program.
       I’m a dirty Dinosaur is about a cheeky                                    • Muller Park, Bli Bli
       dinosaur who loves to play in the mud.  “The aim of this universal family literacy
                                            program is to support strong language   • Russell Family Park, Montville
       The rhyme and repetition throughout   and literacy environments for young chil-
       the book strikes a chord with young   dren from 0–5 years and their families,”   • Kenilworth Town Park, Kenilworth
       and older readers and is matched with   Cr McKay said.
       unique and colourful illustrations created
       using a magic pencil, real mud from a   “We have already implemented a num-  • Maroochy Lions Park, Maroochydore
       dam and watercolour.                 ber of programs through this initiative.
                                                                                 • Shelley Beach Park, Shelley Beach
       As part of the First 5 Forever family   “We are now starting to install innovative
       literacy program, families with children   Story seats in parks across the region   • Grahame Stewart Park, Currimundi
       are invited to head to Pioneer Park to   which will be a visible and interactive way
       explore the magic of children’s picture   of inviting families to engage in sharing   • Brightwater Community Lake Park,
       books at the purpose-built Story seat.  stories, playing, singing and talking      Brightwater.

       Division One Cr Rick Baberowski said                                      In 2018, families will be encouraged
       the Landsborough Story seat was the   “The seats, designed by council’s Parks   to obtain a map and head off on an
       first of 10 to be installed in parks across   and Gardens area, reinforce the mes-  adventure to find all 10 Story seats, take
       the region.                          sage, ‘the first five years last a lifetime’.”  a picture with the seats and share on so-
                                                                                 cial media using the hashtag #Storyseat.
       “The Story seat is a colourful, engaging   Story seats will be rolled out progres-
                                                                                 First 5 Forever is a universal family litera-
                                                                                 cy program aimed at supporting stronger
                                                                                 language and literacy environments for
                                                                                 young children from 0 to five years and
                                                                                 their families.

                                                                                 The program is funded by the
                                                                                 Queensland State Government and is
                                                                                 being delivered by 320 public libraries
                                                                                 across Queensland.

                                                                                 Visit council’s library website for more
                                                                                 details and join the #Storyseat con-
                                                                                 versation by following Sunshine Coast
                                                                                 Libraries Facebook page.
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