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2017 Mayor Mark Jamieson has described
2017 as a landmark year for the
Sunshine Coast thanks to the significant
progress that has been made delivering
economic, environment and community
In his annual State of our Region
address delivered at newly refurbished
Playhouse Theatre at The Events Centre,
Caloundra, Mayor Jamieson said the
year’s highlights had helped to create a
Landmark future all Sunshine Coast residents could
look forward to with confidence.
Year For “I am always proud to
highlight how our Sunshine
Sunshine Coast is performing and
never prouder than at this
point in our region’s histo-
Coast ry,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“I firmly believe that the pride our
residents feel about their home, their
region, their Sunshine Coast, is as strong
as mine.
Words “We are delivering a future we can all
look forward to with confidence because
From Our there is no other region in Australia
offering the opportunities anywhere near
that offered at the Sunshine Coast.
Mayor “Our council has been entrusted by
our residents to continue to shape a
prosperous future for our community
Mark which offers enduring employment op-
portunities, better access to facilities and
services, greater connectivity between
Jamieson communities and an outstanding natural
“In short, we are delivering
a region - and a future -
that is healthy, smart and
Mayor Jamieson said the 50th anniver-
sary celebrations had offered a great
opportunity to reflect on the region’s
journey and assess where it is now.
“We can look forward to what I’m sure
will be a remarkable next 50 years,” he
“The anniversary celebrations have
brought into focus how the community,
back in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s, de-
cided our former name, the Near North
Coast, simply didn’t help attract tourism
and investment.
“They sought something more distinctive.