Page 34 - Magazine Final Project_Neat
P. 34


     was a little girl from her mother  cook and she was saying what to  with  thalipeeth,  a  holey,  savory  immigrants.
     and grandmother.             make, how to make [it],” Avetian  flatbread. She also has a deep love   “Our current political climate
     “Dough  was  the   first   thing   I   said.              of puffed rice and crisp lentil salad.   is  about  demonizing  and
     learned,”  she  said.  “I  remember   When her father got home for  “[It is] usually made during spring  dehumanizing  immigrants in an
     myself   being   with   flour all   dinner he would pretend not to  festival to balance spicy or sweet  atrocious way,” Gross said. “I really
     over   because   in  Georgia   my   know his daughter had cooked and  dishes,” she said. “I love it. It’s very  wanted  to  say  look,  we  shouldn’t
     grandmother  used  to  make  always explained in delight at how  healthy and always refreshing.”  just  be  tolerating  immigrants.
     khinkali, it’s a giant dumpling.”   unusually good the food tasted.  Gross  said  learning  about  North   We are so lucky to have all these
     She  said she remembers making  “My dad was coming from work,  Karnatakan  food  from  Sandagi   immigrants in our culture. They
     toys and dolls out  of  the  dough  pretending  he  didn’t  know  who  has been fascinating.  make our country and our lives so
     but  what  she  enjoyed  most  about   cooked it and he was eating and   “I  knew  nothing  of  North   much richer.”
     cooking was the  way it  made  her  said ‘Oh my God! It’s so yummy!   Karnatakan  cuisine  and  it’s  been   She said the main purpose of
     and other people feel.       What special thing  did you put   just so eye-opening to learn from   the  League  of  Kitchens  is  to
     “I liked when people  liked what  inside like never before?’ and I was   her about these other ingredients   create opportunities for people to
     I  was  doing,”  she  said.  “I  would   so proud,” she said.   and ways of doing things like ‘dry’   learn from each other and create
     watch my mom set beautiful tables   “Because maybe  food  plays  curries  and  sprouted  beans,”  she   emotional connections.
     of  food and everyone  told her it  a  bigger  role  in  our  culture,  said.           “I always hope that for our students
     looked to beautiful and [it] was so   and  it  involves  family,  friends,   The  League  of  Kitchens  offers   some part of the world no longer
     tasty and I decided I wanted to feel   holidays,  maybe  [it]  matches  my   more than just cooking classes.  feels strange and foreign but feels
     that way too.”               personality,” she said. “This is the                       personal  and  meaningful,”  Gross
     She  remembered how when she  way how I can, you know, express   Sandagi  and  Avetian  also  said. “How amazing would that
                                                               lead guided tours in Artesia
     was in second or third grade, she   myself.”              and  Glendale  of  their  favorite   be? If everybody felt like everybody
     would help her mother by cooking   Although  not  as  effervescent   neighborhood  shops,  teaching   else is just a friend or relative that
     dinner ,  and  when   she   needed   as  Avetian,  Sindagi’s  passion   students about how to buy   they haven’t met yet. That [they]
     help with the  measurements or  and  knowledge  of  food  are  also   ingredients  and  enjoy  ethnic   felt like a real person with a story
     ingredients,   she   would   call  her   evident.  With an understated yet   pockets of Los Angeles.   and a family and somebody to care
     mother for help.             elegant  demeanor,  she  expertly                          about and not an abstract cypher

      “I was calling my mom because I   mixes spices from a set of round   Gross  said  the  workshops  and  or number or statistic or unknown
                                                               tours help students recognize and  foreign alien.”
     didn’t know how much of  what to   metal tins and is just as comfortable   celebrate the contributions of
                                  with dough for chapati as she is

                                                                                   Remnants of Elmira Avetian's feast.
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