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                                      Ways To Spice

                                      Up A Movie Date

                                                                                           BY: TEYA CHAVEZ

              The typical movie date has been a tradition since dating was   If you want to get away from the city view, you can watch a
              invented. It has been considered outdated in todays view   screening in a park. EatSeeHear host a screening at Griffith
              due it’s repeated usage over time. There are five easy ways   Park located in Los Angeles. Since you’ll be sitting on a flat
              to spice up this tradition to a modern day surprise.   grass lawn, you will need to provide all amenities yourself,
                                                                such as blankets, pillows, or chairs. They have a regulation
              What is more romantic than watching a movie with the   on chairs that are 6 inches off the ground. You could still
              cities view all around you? Rooftop Cinema Club offers a   bring these chairs in, but you would have to sit in a desig-
              variety of rooftop movies in down town Los Angeles and   nated area that is further from the screen. The right way
              Hollywood. On the rooftop there are rows of beach-like   to spend time in the park is with your best friend and you
              deckchairs with adjustable backings. You have an option of   could bring them along on the date since all events are dog
              sitting in a one-seated deckchair or a love seat, which is a   friendly. Food trucks are also lined outside so you don’t
              long deckchair, made for two people. Some may worry that   have to worry about a separate dinner.
              the noises from the streets down below may be a distur-
              bance but the Rooftop Cinema Club thought of everything.   Channel Lu went here for a third date and definitely wants
              When you look for a place to sit, wireless headphones will   to go again. She didn’t take advantage of the dog friendly
              already be resting on your deckchair. They show a variety   option but she did get a good use out of the bar. “The
              of movies from classics to new releases. As a romantic   entire evening was filled with fun but I thought the theme
              touch, the movie screenings will always start at sunset.  cocktails really made it special” (Lu).  The bar serves beer,
                                                                wine, and movie themed cocktails. Lu was amused by the
              Yanira Ramirez planned to go watch the screening Logan   bar but not the mosquitos. “I knew we were sitting on the
              at the Hollywood location and had an amazing time with   grass but I didn’t think to bring bug spray. I got about 10
              her boyfriend. She suggested getting there early to get good   bug bites that night.”  If you want to enjoy the park, long
              seats due to it being like a regular movie theater. “They   pants and bug spray will definitely make for a better night.
              served food and the unlimited popcorn was the way to my   The prices range from $11-$30 depending on discounts
              heart.” She also suggest to wear warm clothes and claims   and extra amenities, although a standard adult ticket is
              the blanket that they provide is very thin. “If you’re 21 and   priced at $20.
              older, I suggest checking out the bar. They have multiple
              drinks to choose from but my favorite was the mango   If the park is too average for you, you can spooky it up by
              drink.”                                           going to a cemetery screening instead. Cinespia hosts a
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