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screening at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Similar to drive-in gives a rustic, romantic feel and it’s cheaper than the
the screening in Griffith Park, you’ll watch a movie on a regular movie theaters.” Children under 5 are always free,
grassy lawn under the stars; the only difference is the graves. while Sunday through Thursday children between the ages
You’ll have to bring your own amenities and outside beer of 5-8 are $3 and general admission is $9. Friday through
and wine are allowed. Chairs being brought in should not Saturday Children are $3.50 and general admission is $9.75,
exceed 6 inches off the ground and there will be a no chairs which isn’t a big difference. Hernandez remembered that
area. If you come before the movie, a Dj will be present, a few people every screening would get frustrated because
playing music before and after the movie. If you want to the sound is difficult for them to figure out. The sound will
take some memories home with you, a photo booth is come from an FM radio, if you don’t have one, one could
present. You should look at the weather beforehand since be rented for $10 (Vineland). Hernandez suggest to “sitting
this is a rain or shine event and there are no refunds or away from large families, if you want a quieter atmosphere.”
You could also enjoy dinner while in your car. The con-
If the outdoors isn’t for you, try seeing a movie indoors cession stand has an assortment of snacks, but also offers
at the LACMA museum in Los Angeles. “The museum combos with hotdogs, cheeseburgers, and pizzas. Unlike the
presents classics, new releases, documentaries, one of a outdoor theaters, you’ll be protected in your car and results
kind events, guest-curated programs, and conversations on in a rain or shine event. “Its great for college students be-
Photo by Karen Hernandez
film and filmmaking.” Curated matinee showings of classi- cause its intimate and affordable.”
cal films are also shown every Tuesday. One of the perks
of being a LACMA member is that you have access to “A drive in movie
sneak preview screenings. The classic and contemporary
showings will range from $5 for LACMA members, stu-
dents, and seniors and $7 for general admission. Showings always adds a
that include discussions with artists or special guest will
range from $8 for LACMA members, students, and seniors special romance
and $10 for general admission. Tuesday matinees start
from $2 for members, seniors and children under 17, while to the scene.”
$4 for general admission.
If these new ideas aren’t for you, you can always go with a These five movie ideas are a sure way of spicing up a bor-
modern classic like the drive in theater. Vineland Drive-In ing movie date. Each one has its own features and original-
has attracted attention from the public due to its old school ity. You and your date might have not one but five more
fashion. Karen Hernandez, who lives a few blocks away upcoming date ideas in the future.
from the drive-in, enjoys a movie here all the time. “The