Page 6 - White Paper-Employment Termination
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employee, could constitute sexual harassment, and therefore the same behavior
generalized in the workplace could be actionable as a hostile work environment.
In contrast, if a group of employees are generally hostile to another
employee without any discriminatory intent, no matter how bad the behavior or
how actually hostile the work environment is, it is probably not unlawful. The
truth is most situations that an employee might label a “hostile work environment”
fall somewhere in between these two extremes, and you may need legal advice to
determine whether there is any legal claim that could arise from the behavior.
“Workplace bullying” is another term we hear a lot from employees calling
to seek legal advice. It certainly happens, and is certainly intensely problematic for
the individual who feels targeted by such behavior, but it is not- at least not in
Massachusetts and at least not at the present- against the law. Be extra careful,
however, if the target of the behavior is a member of a protected class (see
discussion of hostile work environment above).
slnlaw LLC
46 South Main Street Sharon MA 02067 781-784-2322