Page 96 - USX Driver Handbook
P. 96
3. If the freight is on pallets and you cannot count the actual pieces,
the BOL must be marked “x number of pallets said to contain
(or STC) x pieces.” This is for your protection and verifies that
you were unable to count the actual number of pieces due to
palletized shipping of the freight.
4. If the cargo is shrink-wrapped, you must make sure that the
paperwork is marked “SHRINK-WRAPPED PALLETS”
5. If your count of a product does not match the number on the
BOL, you may not leave the shipper until the issue is resolved.
You must call your Driver Manager for instructions.
6. Pay attention to the condition of the freight that is put into your
trailer and the manner in which it is loaded, blocked or braced.
Note on the BOL any improper loading, blocking, bracing or
damage occurring or noticed during loading by writing “Damage
Noted From Shipper.” Notify the Risk Management Department
before leaving the shipper’s dock.
At Delivery:
1. Obtain a clear and legible signature from the consignee or
receiver. If you cannot read the signature, ask the signer to print
his or her last name.
2. Unless you are dropping a sealed trailer, the number of pieces
unloaded should be marked on the BOL and confirmed by the
receiver’s signature. If the number of pieces unloaded does not
match the number picked up and designated on the BOL, you
must immediately call the Risk Management Department before
leaving the receiver’s dock.
3. If your load involves unloads at multiple locations, you must
take special care to ensure that the correct number of pieces are
unloaded at each stop. Do not assume that the shipper cannot
assert a claim if you deliver more than the designated number
of pieces to one receiver, leaving your delivery short to another
receiver. If you get to the last stop and are short pieces, you must
immediately call the Risk Management Department at
All Bills of Lading MUST be sent to the Company via Xpress
Scanning. Also, when loading, always carry load locks or straps to all
pick-ups and be sure that they are installed prior to sealing the trailer.
Lock your trailer when loaded. This protects you from theft of your cargo
or from someone placing items into your trailer without your knowledge.