Page 22 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
P. 22

THE 16TH ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF REGIONAL GROWTH AWARDS...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

        The addition was designed by C2AE and built by         “We are excited to open our doors to our customers,
        Wieland. The expansion will allow Bekum to increase     students and the entire community,” sais London. “We
        machine output, shorten lead times and expand its       cannot wait to see what the future of this expansion
        workforce. Bekum’s manufacturing team proudly           holds for Bekum.”
        shipped the first machine from the new assembly hall
        in May.                                                 High Caliber Karting & Entertainment
                                                                Michigan’s Number One Indoor Action Park
        Bekum’s outgoing chairman, Martin Stark, was
        also recognized for devoting over 50 years of his       When High Caliber Karting & Entertainment opened its
        professional career to the development and growth of    indoor go-karting, axe-throwing, gamified entertainment
        the plastics industry. Starks has been an exemplary and   center, and bistro in the Meridian Mall, it changed the
        honorable leader, with numerous industry recognitions,   concept of what going to a mall is all about. Over the
        including induction into the Plastics Hall of Fame.      past two years, High Caliber Karting & Entertainment
                                                                         has challenged its visitors to “Punch Boredom
        “Martin’s persistence and vision turned                              in the Face.” High Caliber Karting &
        Bekum into North America’s top                      The                Entertainment has taken its game
        blow molding manufacturer and                  investments by            to another level, recently opening
        personifies great leadership in            these five organizations        a $2 million, 25,000-square-foot
        every sense of the word,” said              represent the amazing           expansion, including a new bar,
        London.                               transformation that is taking place    16 additional lanes of gamified
                                                throughout the Greater Lansing       axe throwing, 15 lanes of throw
        “It has been an honor to work for      region. The combined investments      bowling and two VIP rooms.
        Bekum America,” said Stark. “I            are transforming an urban
        have enjoyed every moment           neighborhood and a suburban shopping     “We wanted a place where people
        promoting the growth of               center and demonstrating national      could feel more comfortable to
        extrusion blow molding.”                leadership in health care, clean     hang out and spend time with
                                                  energy, international trade,      friends.” said Jordan Munsters,
        The official opening of the new                 and advanced               founder and president of High
        facility coincided with Manufacturing          manufacturing.            Caliber Karting & Entertainment. “To
        Day celebrations. Bekum welcomed                                       do that we needed more activities to
        over 150 local high school students for                             encourage people to be here all day. We
        in-person tours and machine demonstrations.                      want to be less about scheduled activities and
        The students participated in hands-on activities        more about spending time together with your friends.”
        with PlastiVan, and learned more about careers in
        the plastics industry and Bekum’s award-winning         The main staple of High Caliber Karting & Entertainment
        apprenticeship program.                                 has been the European electric race karts imported from
                                                                Italy. Drivers can reach speeds of up to 50 mph without
        Bekum also opened its doors to the community during     choking on exhaust fumes, thanks to their electric engines.
        its Community Open House, allowing everyone to tour     Another popular entertainment highlight at High Caliber
        the facility, experience machine demonstrations, and    Karting & Entertainment is axe-throwing. The recent
        enjoy food and fun giveaways.                           addition includes a 2,800-square-foot assault arena where

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