Page 24 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
P. 24
is investing in cleaner energy options, including The hospital will also feature family-centered private rooms
investments in renewable energy sources. These sources and a new birthing center with private birthing suites
includethe Delta Solar Park – Michigan’s largest sun- dedicated from the time the mother shows up until the
tracking solar array in Delta Twp., expanded wind energy time she leaves.
located in Michigan’s thumb-area and growing the BWL’s
energy efficiency programs. The campus will be home to 1,000 physicians, researchers,
educators,and other academic and medical team members.
McLaren Greater Lansing McLaren and Michigan State University are also expanding
Ushering in a New Era in partnerships on research, education, and clinical services.
Health Care
In addition to the hospital, the Karmanos Cancer Institute
Health care is changing and the and McLaren’s health and wellness pavilion will offer a
Lansing region is at the forefront wide array of outpatient care services, including innovative,
of that change. McLaren Greater convenient care for patients fighting cancer.
Lansing (MGL) is a few months
away from officially entering a “Karmanos is one of the top tier programs in the country for
new era in health care. Workers clinical trials and one of the largest in the state of Michigan
are putting the finishing touches Ray for clinical research and clinical trials,” said Ray.
on McLaren’s $600 million
comprehensive health care campus, developed at the The campus will also house the new McLaren Orthopedic
Michigan State University (MSU) Foundation’s University Hospital, replacing the current orthopedic hospital on
Corporate Research Park, located between Collins Road South Pennsylvania Avenue.
and U.S. 127. MGL plans to begin seeing patients at the 240
bed, 500,000-square-foot facility in March 2022. During the planning and construction process, McLaren
Greater Lansing has intentionally reached out to a broad
The McLaren campus will house a state-of-the-art hospital, cross-section of stakeholders, including the McLaren staff
cancer center, ambulatory, and other facilities to support and the general community, for input into what the new
health care delivery. MGL President & CEO, Kirk Ray says hospital should look like when it opens next spring.
the new hospital will improve access to emergency care.
“We went through 250 iterations of rearranging the rooms
“We’re going to be adding about 30-40 percent capacity,” until we all felt like we had the best model for the safety of
said Ray. “We have what’s called a vertical express unit that our patients and staff,” said Ray. “We also integrated the
will handle less acute services. Patients will have less wait community early, which helped us redesign the entire site
time, and patients that truly need an ER bed will get one to consider things like bus transportation, respite areas on
much quicker.” campus, and aesthetics in the hospital.” l