Page 27 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
P. 27                                                                      FOCUS ON TALENT

        ATHENA WIN: An Evening of Empowerment

               sold-out crowd of 200 filled                                          sponsors United Electric and
               the room at Crowne Plaza                                              Sparrow Health and gift sponsors
               Lansing West on Thursday,                                             MSU Federal Credit Union, Ngage
        Sept. 30 for ATHENA WIN’s annual                                             Management and AT&T. WLNS-
        Evening of Empowerment. The                                                  TV News 6 and the Lansing
        evening, which is the biggest event                                          Regional Chamber of Commerce
        of the year for ATHENA WIN, was an                                           provided support with promotion,
        inspiring showcase the journey of                                            accounting and registration.
        successful women.
                                                                                     Over the past five years, the Evening
        “The event allows us to highlight   Geohegan            Hengesbach           of Empowerment has grown into
        the strengths of successful women,                                           a premier program in the region.
        their challenges, the obstacles they have overcome,” said   Organizers promise it will continue to grow.
        Brenda Geohegan, event co-chair.
                                                               “Next year it is going to be rocking,” said Susan Hengesbach,
        The Evening of Empowerment also serves as an opportunity   event co-chair. “It gets bigger and better every year.”
        to recognize the ATHENA Leadership Award recipient. This
        year’s ATHENA honoree Elaine Hardy inspired the crowd   ATHENA WIN works to empower local women in the
        with her remarks, as did keynote speaker, Amanda Sauer of   community. The organization sponsors several events,
        Pittsburgh, who was the first female football referee in the   including Girls Night Out. Executive Connections is a
        Big Ten Conference.                                     12-month program that offers monthly coaching and
                                                                mentoring to participants from community leaders who
        The event was supported by several key sponsors, including   donate their time. ATHENA WIN also sponsors outing tours
        the keynote sponsors, PNC and AF Group, beverage        of leading organizations in the community. l

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