Page 32 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
P. 32

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  NOVEMBER 2021

        NEW HIRES                                              Sherita Smith has                    Michigan Health
                                                               been appointed                       Council. In this
                          Emily Sabrosky                       vice president                       role, he leads
                          recently joined                      of community                         efforts to increase
                          Edge as a public                     development                          the organization’s
                          relations and                        at Cinnaire.                         visibility, reach,
                          events specialist.                   Sherita will be                      and revenue.
                          In this role,                        taking the helm                      Drew previously
                          Sabrosky will assist                 implementing                         served as the
                          in managing        Smith             Cinnaire’s          Murray           Michigan Health
                          client events,                       targeted                             Information
                          public relations,   investment strategy for Detroit,     Network’s senior director for
                          social media,      establishing and maintaining          community engagement, where
        and media relations. A graduate of   relationships with local partners and   he helped physician organizations,
        Michigan State University’s College of   funders to advance Cinnaire’s Priority   hospitals/health systems, health plans,
        Communication Arts and Sciences,     City initiatives.                     and state government partners share
        Sabrosky received her degree in                                            real-time patient health information
        advertising and public relations.                      Michelle Wein is    for treatment, payment, and health
                                                               the new director    operations.
                          Union Bank                           of research at
                          has announced                        Michigan Health                      Mason Public
                          the addition                         Council. She                         Schools has
                          of Robert                            oversees MHC                         recently named
                          Kowalewski, vice                     Insight, where                       Tara Becker-
                          president, director                  she collaborates                     Utess as the new
                          of business                          with partners to                     assistant principal
                          development.                         identify, analyze,                   at Mason High
                          Kowalewski will    Wein              and report on                        School. Ms.
                          focus on strategic   critical issues facing Michigan’s health             Becker-Utess
                          initiatives that   care workforce. To request custom                      came to Mason
        will help support and build the Banks’   data and research, please contact   Becker-Utess   from Ingham
        brand in the various markets Union   Michelle Wein for a personalized      Intermediate School District,where
        Bank serves. Kowalewski joins the    consultation at michelle.wein@mhc.    she had served as an academic
        organization with over 30 years of   org or (517)329-5879.                 consultant since 2014.
        diverse business development and                                                                                        IN YOUR
        finance experience in the Greater    Drew Murray is the new senior         EXIT Great Lakes Realty is pleased to
        Grand Rapids area.                   director for strategy & public affairs at   announce that Shannon Binkley has     CORNER

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